Service degrading
Over the last few weeks, service has degraded. When it works, it has worked more poorly than before, sometimes taking several minutes to load a web page and sometimes not loading a page at all. During the last few days, the connection has began shutting off (with only a couple lights on the modem) for 20-30 minutes at a time. Yesterday and today it has been off more than it has been on. It's out again right now, as I write this. The weather has been good -- sunny, except for a short shower this morning.
How do I tell if I have a dish alignment issue? Or, If something else is going on?
The service person just left. The dish was warped (may have been a result of the violent wind storm 2-3 weeks ago), and it was also aimed right through the electric wire feed coming to the house. He installed a new dish in another location, and satellite signal is now the highest we have seen in 3 years. Service is fast and consistent now.
The service tech was very sharp, and communicated in a way I could understand. A great experience ed.
Thank you, Liz, for talking me through all of this.