Forum Discussion
When are bonus bytes used?
- 8 years ago
Hi ret2rom,
Thank you for your patience. The engineer confirmed for me that our graphs account for DST. He also checked in logs from June 9 and did not find anything that would have caused that anomaly you experienced that morning. I've sent you a complimentary token for the inconvenience so you may receive an e-mailed order confirmation for the free token. Please don't hesitate to drop by again if you have additional concerns.
I too seen the announcement.
I don't think that applied to Gen3 legacy daily plans. Daily Gen3 went to 2-7 local.
While it is Friday; lets tag Liz for clarification.
There was a relaxed period while Hughes switched to "local times" way back when.
There were further changes for the 7000 folks ... those in Alaska going "local" while those in the lower 48 being based on Eastern while all Gen4 (ES17) and SP-3 Gen4 "wannabe" plans going Bonus Bytes 2am to 8am.
Hi folks,
Still trying to get clarification on this. What Gwalk described is what appears is the case here; ret2rom's data resets at 5am, before the Free Download Zone ends at 7am. I'm having an engineer check if Anytime data was being used before 7 am or see if there's anything abnormal about this site.
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