Forum Discussion
Disgraceful Product: I plan to have my service cancelled with no termination fee
I have dealt with unsatisfactory service from internet providers before but HughesNet should be ashamed of how they are operating. I have been blatantly lied to multiple times and to find out this is a pervasive issue, I do not understand how this company conitnues to operate except that they are preying on people who have no or few other options for service.
To begin, we were sold lied to by our sales rep about the product we were offered. He assured us that the plan would more than cover us for our needs, which I might say are very basic: evening streaming, use of our cell phones (since we barely get cell service at our home), use of Zoom to colleagues and students for my work and some internet browing during the day.
Second, he gave us incorrect information about the nature of the credit check. We were told it owuld be a "hard" credit check, which we were unable to do due to the loan on our home not yet being finalized (we were later told by another rep that htis was incorrect and it would have been a soft check). He then convinced us to list a family member for the credit check. We expressed discofort with this, but due to already being disconnected once and having to go through all the set up steps twice, we reluctanly provided the information and then requested that he NOT CALL THIS PERSON until we were able to contact them directly to expain the situation. He agreed. He then called us back stating he had decided to go ahead and call this person--he admitted. without promting, that he knew we has asked him NOT TO DO THIS and HE DID IT ANYWAY in order to get the sale moving more quickly. We were VERY upset and expressed this to him and he brushed it off.
A few weeks later after our service began, when we noticed a noticeable drop in performance, we called tech support and became aware that our accout was not in our name but but in tat of our family members that gave the credit check. I then spent a week on and off the phone with different representatives who explained the situation to me. I explained that while I now understood that the account was in this family memebrs name due to the credit check, the sales rep NEVER mentioned that this would be the case. I explaind that we simly would have waited to begin service had this been explained to us, which it HAD NOT!
The first person we spoke with told us we need to send in some paperwork which we did. When I called back to check on this, I was told this was incorrect informiton and we could not use this paperwork since we did not own our equipment. We were told we would need to either buy the worthless equipment or have this family member call in to cancel the service so we could reopen in our name. I explained that we did not want to trouble this persin any more than they alrady had been. We left things here, requesting a call back after they consulted with an acount manager. We never got a call back.
The next time I called back, which again was when our service was incredibly slow, I aksed to follw up with our account ownership issue. I was transferred to an account manager who said he was a senior account manager and he could make this name change of ownership over the phone right now. He said he had completed it in about 5mins. I was astonished after hearing from at least 3 others that this was not possible. I expressed wariness and he again assured me that he was able to take care of this because of his position in the company. I would later come to find out this was a complete LIE and this change never occured. We then spent an hour on the phoen disucsisng our dissatisfaction with the product, expaining that our plan data was gone in a few days at the beginnign of the month after we were sold something that would cover us for our very basic internet needs. He refused to waive the termination fee but talked me into a discounted upgrade.
This issue continues to be a problem for us. The upgrade has done nothing but give us 1-2 more days of high speed internet at the very beginning of the month. We feel we were lied to and decieved from the very beginning. I would like to have my sales call (later Septmeber 2019) as well as the call with the account manager who said he took care of the change of ownernership (on or around November 20th, 2019) audited to confirm the LIES and inappropriate behavior against our wishes. I believe this is more than enough to jsutify a HUGE apology and the waiving of the early termination fee.
I am also conducting speed tests to show that our service is abismal and in no way meeting our needs. We are barely able to browse the internet, its not worth even trying to stream shows in the evening, and I cannot connect to Zoom internet call for work. THis is unaccetapable to be deciecing customers about the service you are offering.
- LizModerator
Hi trypeace02,
I see it's your first post here, so welcome to the community! I'm sorry to hear this, that sounds incredibly frustrating. Please check your private messages (PM) in the top right corner of the community page as I've sent you a PM to further address your concerns.
- trypeace02New Poster
If we decide to stay with the company, is there really nothing better HughesNet can offer? What I don't understand is that at any time of day someone can give me a couple GBs due a complaint or I can pay for more GBs, so then why can't HughesNet just name a price for an unlimited plan or at least a plan that will actually carry a user more than a couple days into the month?? I am paying so much for internet that barely works most of the month, this just isn't right.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
Though you were asking Liz, HughesNet's system has nowhere near the capacity of ground based services. Think a two lane country road vs a twenty lane divided highway. While a few GBs here and there does't have a big impact, unlimited high speed plans would stress the system far too much, causing what would end up being a never ending digital traffic jam. How much traffic is on the system at any given time is regulated, or regulated as best as it can be, by the plans having a set amount of high speed data, which ends up requiring people to prioritize their activities.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
This is not concerning your issue, but your SAN that is visible in the picture you posted. You should edit the SAN out of the picture, as this is your account number, which you should never post in public. You can edit your post by clicking on the three dots to the upper right of the message body and click on "Edit Message".
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