Forum Discussion
First, there is no 30 day trial period with HughesNet. The contract is in force from the second the service goes live. Secondly, regarding the "free credits", during your first twenty days of service HughesNet resets your monthly data allotment on a regular basis. This is done as a courtesy to allow new users update/upgrade their devices to current without it affecting what would be their normal monthly data allotment, as it can often take a lot of data to perform these updates/upgrades. After those twenty days the service reverts to the normal monthly data cycle of 30 or 31 days (or 28 or 29 if February is involved). In the case of your first month, the data would be for the remainder of that first month's data cycle, which would be ten or eleven days (or eight or nine, again, if February is involved). When your second month of service starts the data would need to last the entire month, and if the data is exhausted you go into FAP, or service with a throttled speed, of which may very well not be high enough for streaming things like Netflix.
The residential contract stipulates that the ETF (Early Termination Fee) is $400 for the first ninety days, then is reduced by $15 every month thereafter.
If you feel you were misled during the sales call you can ask to have the call reviewed, but with it having been six months I don't know if they would still have it. If they do it may take them a few days to review it. If it's determined that you were misled about the service you may have recourse regarding the Early Termination Fee.
You should request this sales call review on the duplicate thread you created in the "myAccount and Billing" section. You can either edit the already created post to include the request, or reply to the opening post and request it.
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
"First, but that's not what they told me they told me I had a 30-day trial. "
Then you definitely will want to request a sales call review.
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Regarding the data resets (the "extra credits"), it's nothing more than a courtesy, and actually to the customer's benefit, not HughesNet's. Were HughesNet to not do this they could probably make a few more dollars from the people that would need to buy Tokens (extra data) to be able to perform the updates/upgrades mentioned, so again, it's to the customer's benefit that they give the 20 days of data resets, not HughesNet's. It would only be to HughesNet's benefit if there were a 30 day trial, as then it could be construed as a form of bait and switch (more data during the trial month than a customer would normally have), but since they don't offer a 30 day trial, it's not. It's simply a courtesy for the customer.
As mentioned, and seconded by maratsade, you should request review of your sales call to verify if you were misled. Though there's no guarantee, but it may help regarding the Early Termination Fee. Still, it's ultimately up to you whether you do so.
Good luck.
- mrfitzs7 years agoFreshmanSorry it didn't do any good. Sales rep did indeed over 30day trial period and I did record conversation and still denied they said that.I was misrepresented I would never agreed on this terms if only they would of been truthful.They never emailed me a cancellation noticed for my personal records.Do not understand why.They took the money out of my checking account. They also holding my money they owe me till I send their modem and equipment back.I guess they don't trust me even though I paid ever dime I owe them in full. Do not understand their policy.
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Looks like Liz is trying t help you. You may want to check your messages.
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