Forum Discussion
poor lamb
"............would also be able to do away with his satellite TV bill, all for only fifty bucks a month."
Especially dumb, ignorant, naive, clueless.....whatever you want to call it. I'm still waiting for the check from my man in Nigeria.
BirdDog wrote:I'm still waiting for the check from my man in Nigeria.
Not before I get mine! The Prince's guy assured me it was exclusive. I'm gonna have to email him right now, darnit!!! :p
- Reggie7 years agoTeaching Assistant
I don't see a problem here. The more educated will soon teach the new customer how stupid he was. Why does everyone on this community fell it is ok to kick those that are down. Maybe it's time you give them a hand up not a kick in the teeth.
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
It's simply a reaction. How many times have we seen on here and other places where people have gone off, blaming everything but themselves for buying something they didn't understand? True, there are people that simply say, "I made a mistake", and I do feel somewhat bad for those people, but when the majority of what you see ranges from simple ranting to absolutely going off the deep end it tends to change your sense of sympathy, as well as empathy.
As well, how often does the song change, or is there even a thanks, when you try to help one of the aforementioned people get the most out of HughesNet that they can because they are stuck with it? Not often.
Is it wrong to group all into those that rant and rave? Sure, but we're only human.
- Reggie7 years agoTeaching Assistant
This customer has not even posted yet. But people are already calling him stupid.
All I see is a person who trusted someone. The person he trusted Lied to him to make a sale. That is the person I'm pissed at.
I was taught to help, not tell others they were stupid.
My rant is over.
- gaines_wright7 years agoTutor
Reggie wrote:............ Why does everyone on this community fell it is ok to kick those that are down. Maybe it's time you give them a hand up not a kick in the teeth.
Ah, a starry eyed idealist. :>)
I think it's caused by "The weak chicken syndrome". I don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard that if one of their number gets weak, the rest of a chicken flock will peck it to death.
I don't think it's reached that point here though.
- Reggie7 years agoTeaching Assistant
Are you willing to take a trip?
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