Forum Discussion
Hughesnet usage meter
- 8 years ago
fallteeth, first click on the little up arrow in lower right tray, then cutomize. Then choose to show notifications and icon. The meter opens into the tray when the desktop icon is clicked. You have to double click on the tray icon to actually open the meter.
So if your newer version works like my older version the desktop icon merely launches the background application ... hence it will appear to do very little (especially if the background application is already running). Do you see a similar icon in your system tray? If so, try right clicking on it to get a context menu or left-clicking on it for a summary status. Hovering over it should also bring up a tiny status message.
Hopefully, someone with experience with the newer (your) version will answer ... I'm just offering what suggestions I can to try to help out until then.
fallteeth, first click on the little up arrow in lower right tray, then cutomize. Then choose to show notifications and icon. The meter opens into the tray when the desktop icon is clicked. You have to double click on the tray icon to actually open the meter.
- Ricky8 years agoTutor
Due to recent computer issue I have upgraded to the latest status meter. I don't like it at all.
Does anyone have a link to the previous version with the status bar showing how close you are to your limits for the month?
- BirdDog8 years agoAssistant Professor
Sorry Ricky, no help here. The file I uploaded awhile back turned into an ad bot and I don't have the older version stored anywhere that I've found. Hopefully someone else might have it. Seems maybe C0RR0SIVE uploaded it someplace not too long ago.
- C0RR0SIVE8 years agoAssociate Professor
Ricky wrote:Due to recent computer issue I have upgraded to the latest status meter. I don't like it at all.
Does anyone have a link to the previous version with the status bar showing how close you are to your limits for the month?
Ricky This contains both 6.5.x and 6.6.x, as well as files and instructions to prevent either version from doing the annoying "Update to the new version" junk... Use at your own risk, there are disclaimers inside the zip file... Neither Hughesnet, nor I am responsible for anything that may occur should you elect to use the modified status meter files, or even click that link.
I HIGHLY suggest sticking to 6.6.x though as it's required if you ever go to a Gen5 style service plan on either of the satellite systems.- Ricky8 years agoTutor
Perfect. I am running 6.5 since I am still on Gen 4 with no plans to upgrade as long as she runs as good as it is now. Or I can't stand it anymore and need the new stuff. hahahaha
- fallteeth8 years agoNew Poster
Thanks alot for your help everybody
- edward108 years agoNew Poster
I have the usage meter 6.6 installed and when downloaded initially it works just fine. Next day it will not open. Since I saved it in Downloads I download once more and it states the Hughes Usage Meter is running and will have to close to complete install which is fine. It will work from the taskbar usually for a day but next day will not work. I have repeated the download process a few times and all works well but never the next day. It is no big deal but something is not compatible with my Windows 10 Pro.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
This may sound a little ludicrous, but when you have the Usage Meter window open, go into the settings and uncheck "launch on startup." Click save, and wait for it to do so. Then, after the confirmation message has disappeared, do the same, but put the check mark back on "launch on startup." Click save again, then wait for the confirmation message to disappear. Then close the Usage Meter window, restart your computer, and see if it starts automatically.
I don't know why, but I've had an issue in the past with it not opening on its own. I did what I mentioned above and it seems to have fixed the problem. I don't know if the Meter just didn't catch that it was supposed to start automatically on computer startup and going through above gave it a kick, but whatever the case it worked for me. I can't guarantee that it will work, but it certainly couldn't hurt to try.
- maratsade8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
" I don't know if the Meter just didn't catch that it was supposed to start automatically on computer startup and going through above gave it a kick, but whatever the case it worked for me. I can't guarantee that it will work, but it certainly couldn't hurt to try. "
This doesn't work for me, but it seems I may have the "special" edition of Win 10 Home. :)
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