Forum Discussion

soulbarn's avatar
7 years ago

I don’t understand the meters.

I’m a new customer. My daily usage graphs show, for example, that yesterday I downloded 8gb and uploaded 2gb. Other days (this is our fifth day) show downloads ranging from 2gb to 10gb, and uploads at...
  • BirdDog's avatar
    7 years ago

    For the first 20 days new customers get basically unlimited allowance to update devices and such, the meters will reset daily. After that, they will start working normally. Be sure to check the meters daily though so you don't get caught unaware when the usage starts counting.


    You should have gotten an email explaining this but I'm sure many people miss it. And yea, you really need to get things under control as your data won't last long at all with use like that when metering kicks in.