Forum Discussion
New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)
- 8 years ago
My repoint to ES17 is done. Promising for sure.
As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.
Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.
What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far. I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps. I can live with that. ;-)
So... so far so good. Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.
Beam 55 Mt Ranch, Ca. 10.22.17 11:00 Am Pst
Unusable last nite, graphics wwouldn't load, 38 Mbs at 7 Am Sunday Morn, now 3 Mbs.
Almost modem reboot time.
There are satellite problems I read, more subscribers on other Beams affected..
I am curious if Alan (ElDorado Sat) is having problems also?
ecoalex2 wrote:
I am curious if Alan (ElDorado Sat) is having problems also?
Our office system was way down, until this last week around October 17. Today running at about 40 ~ 50 Mbps down:
Gateway ID 8
Beam ID 55
Outroute ID 9
IP Gateway: J2GIL055HNSIGW0103
BTW, I should add that I use the "Combined" Automatic test, which runs up to the 200 MB test download. To me, this is a more accurate test than the fixed 25 MB test of how large, sustained downloads like streaming video might behave.
- ecoalex28 years agoTutor
Thanks Alan for your info.
I start out at 32 Mbs or so around 7 Am, then the service degrades during the day, then at nite I must reboot the modem to get about 3 Mbs, sometimes it doesn't remedy the unusable to slow but usable.
I have the 2nd, or 3rd tier plan.- 38 Mbs speed max, I see that early Ams then no more during the day,
I use the 44Mbs Testmytest file load..
I just rebooted the modem after 3 - 1Mbs speed results, After the reboot- 16Mbs..
I know it will degrade again, probably have to reboot the modem again about 7 Pm.
I am curious as to your evening speed tests , as mornings for most on Beam 55 is the highest speed, then it consistanly degrades.
What is your take on the problem?
A 200 Mbs test is too long for me, it would take minutes..
Thanks again ;)
- El Dorado Netwo8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
ecoalex2 wrote:Thanks Alan for your info.
I am curious as to your evening speed tests , as mornings for most on Beam 55 is the highest speed, then it consistanly degrades.
What is your take on the problem?
I'll try to remember to check this throughout the week. Our shop system is currently connected by a dedicated LAN cable to just one desktop here at my desk so I can trigger it anytime I happen to think about it. I'm using the shop system to post my replies here, and just streamed a youTube video
I don't really have a "take" on the problem. When I first started getting calls from some of my customers, speed graphs on our system were showing short, initial bursting at about 400 ~ 500 Mbps, then the speed would quickly dribble away to nothing. Not seeing that anymore. I would expect that HN Engineering is rolling out network changes on Beam 55 one at a time, then seeing if the change breaks something else before implementing another. At least, that's how I'd do it...
What Associated IP Gateway does your modem show under System Status?
- El Dorado Netwo8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
BTW, I've been passing along the details to HN Engineering for any of our customers who reported slow performance. I had about 10 over the last few weeks.
The calls seems to stop last week.
My Motto: The plural of "anecdote" is data.
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