Forum Discussion
New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)
- 8 years ago
My repoint to ES17 is done. Promising for sure.
As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.
Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.
What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far. I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps. I can live with that. ;-)
So... so far so good. Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.
That's considerably slower than what I used to get with my legacy plan. Just....WOW.
GabeU wrote:That's considerably slower than what I used to get with my legacy plan. Just....WOW.
Yeh, I am not sure what is going on. Seems really off.
- MarkJFine8 years agoProfessor
It's Sunday. For some reason Sundays always seem sluggish all day, especially around football season.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
MarkJFine wrote:It's Sunday. For some reason Sundays always seem sluggish all day, especially around football season.
Yeah, today seems to be quite bad compared to normal. I just tested a little while ago and hit about 5Mbps. Now, I know that's a lot higher than a couple of people in this thread are suffering with REALLY low speeds, but compared to my normal it's a pretty big hit, so I can understand their terrible speed being even more ridiculously slow today/tonight.
- ecoalex28 years agoTutor
Sunday nite 9Pm Speed test 97Mbs file 38Mbs.
Something , advertised speed on a Sunday nite? Unheard of.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Thanks folks for your updates. No updates this morning from engineering. I don't expect there to be any during this short workweek. Once we do have anything worthwhile to report, I'll let you know.
Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Liz help....
Things have become even worse on my connection.
Where in the past week or two during FAP I at least had OK speed to get work done during the day (1Mbps), and the slow to no internet between 6PM and 10PM (150K down and 12k up), now the slow is also during the whole day 24/7. ;-(
I work from home and need internet to earn my paycheck. Without it I could lose my job.
Here are some tests from last night and today.
As you will see, lats night all I could muster even after multiple modem reboots was 100K down. Uploads did NOT EVEN work. 256 attempts stalled. Last night I had a que of about 30 emails that would not even come in! I could not browse the web, well barely a few sites. Most pages timed out.
So in frustration I turned off the system and figured I would double up work today.
Well today I am only getting 500K download, so barely functioning. Uploads, 12K. Yes 12K. This is during the day too... 10:30 as I write this.
I am barely getting any of my important sites to come up for work.
Something is drastically wrong here and I need you to assist please. Maybe if that means Hughes taking me out of FAP until they get this slow speed issue resolved, maybe it may boost my speed up enough to at least work. Then when you get the bugs worked out, then when I FAP I FAP.
But today if one is FAPped, it appears to not work at all or barely. I should be way above 12k uploads.
Thanks for the ear.
Thomas (TJ)
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