Forum Discussion
Problem with uploading image for PM...
Looks like this issue has been fixed.
Edited to remove incorrect info regarding enlarging images. Thanks for the correction, GabeU !
Excellent image, btw.
- GabeU2 months agoDistinguished Professor IV
We used to be able to click on images and they would enlarge. That's missing.
Actually, I was wrong about that. The picture above just isn't big enough to have the zoom option when opened up. Check this one.
- Amanda2 months agoModerator
Hi Gabe!
Well, I wracked my head for a week trying to find user galleries or documentation on them. I did not see it. I am working to confirm that it was just something we were not told would be gone with the update, but in the meantime...
What do you think about a workaround wherein you would dump all the images you use into a private (or public) thread or small group and use the "upload with url" option instead? Only a last resort that I could think of while I wait on a response.
Re:image zoom behavior - I also noticed this while browsing the Microsoft community who also uses the same platform as us. Some images I could blow up and others I could not. I do not know if I want to zoom on the one in this thread though 😂
- maratsade2 months agoDistinguished Professor IV
I was the one who asked about image galleries. I tried linking from Google Drive but I get an error. :-( I thought that'd be easier than to have a public thread with images.
I think that the easiest thing for now is just to upload images to individual posts. I do hope the galleries come back, but if not, oh well. I think there are other issues that are more important. For example, being able to bookmark posts, and other things I posted on this thread.
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