Forum Discussion

sjohnson3449's avatar
New Poster
6 months ago

Service has not been working since installing


I have had nothing but problems since ordering this service

 Slow connection, buffering, running out of  priority data after 10 days of monthly payments.  And Internet does not work at all  unless I purchase more priority data 

 Tech had come and the only way he could check our Internet was to buy more priority data. He stated that there is nothing they can do but report the problem to Hughes net. And that we should be able to still use the Internet but with slower speed and that we should still be able y connect. He did not know why we had almost zero signal strength after using all priority data.  


I have called support several times, called after 2 days of installation. Nothing has been resolved and are locked into a contract for 2 years.  

I did not receive the service I contracted for.  It seems that your service is a scam 

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    The service is not a scam; it is a legitimate service provided by a legitimate business. 

    HughesNet sells you a data package. It does not use the data; you and/or your household use the data. Like a checking account, you have to be able to budget your available data so it will last you the whole month.

    The data package is not unlimited -- it can be used very quickly if you engage in data-intensive activities such as streaming. If you run out of data, you can buy data tokens or you can buy a bigger data package; but all those solutions will be limited. Ultimately, you have to learn to budget. 

    To know how much data you can use in 24 hours, divide the size of your data package by the number of days in the month. For example, if you have a data package of 100 GB, you can use around 3.2 GB a day.  That can be used up very quickly if you stream or watch live TV. 

    It doesn't matter how many times you call. The company can't budget your data use; that's up to you.

    You can get out of the contract if it doesn't work for you, but you will have to pay a fee. 

    All of this information is available for free to anyone  -- just read the subscriber agreement to know the limitations of the service. Anyone considering subscribing should make an informed decision before locking themselves into a contract. 

    You HAVE received what you contracted for.  You didn't read the contract carefully.