Forum Discussion
Severe speed issues, is there an issue at Hughes?
- 4 years ago
Thanks for the update, Danny89. There are times when heavy traffic demands will slow down your browsing performance but our network engineers are continually assessing service performance metrics and adjusting parameters to accommodate the increasing demand for internet bandwidth.
Thanks! I'll begin testing soon! Just got online
That device is a printer on the far end of my house, shouldnt be of much trouble
Edit: As of right now, with a short burst of tests at 25MB, its running perfectly fine. I'll keep it up over the night and morning to see if its ok!
Edit 2: Its holding very good speeds while I have data. Need to keep a watch on it for a couple of days, but either the throttle was being very cruel to me compared to usual, or the Modem needed to be contacted. Hopefully it'll stay up and when I run out of the token data, run like it should when throttled normally. That ultra slow speed was very close to not having internet at all!
Gotcha! Good to hear that things are running speedily again on token data. It just can be tricky on reduced speeds since speeds (reduced or not) can and will fluctuate. I usually see speeds fluctuate by 2-3 Mbps, but I've also seen changes of over 10Mbps. So when your speeds are reduced and have already a small range to work in, seems to me to be a challenge to consistently stay on the higher end. Especially if you have multple devices on the network; imagine splitting up 2 Mbps across 3+ devices.
- Danny894 years agoJunior
Its been running well since Monday, but its just now(or within the last hour) started the slowness again, my download speed on the testing site went from 322kBs to 29kBs!
I entered the FAP condition yesterday though, and before then it was running fast as the test shows, so I definately think this is something on the outside of my set up. But never know of course!
Glad I'll have my full data back in the next day or two, but it was doing this crazy slow mess even when I still had data during the bonus zone time(and of course, during the bonus time!). Would this indicate an overload of people in the area? The only internet running devices right now are the Dish Hopper that shouldnt be doing anything, and that aforementioned printer, so I dont think I have a data leech hiding anywhere, and since it worked fine while I had the data token, it must not be anything to do with my modem or dish itself.
Hopefully it'll resolve itself soon though!
Edit: Just to note, on the last test that showed 29kB/s, I only did a 1MB download since the slowness hit, noticed that a forum was loading like it just woke up in 1994, gonna do some 3MB ones. Also nothing of note happened before it went back to the crazy slow. I was watching youtube videos in low quality this morning, but I wasnt at the computer or any internet device when the slowdown began. Also my state code is 24.1.1 Download Throttled- Liz4 years agoModerator
Thanks for the update, Danny89. There are times when heavy traffic demands will slow down your browsing performance but our network engineers are continually assessing service performance metrics and adjusting parameters to accommodate the increasing demand for internet bandwidth.
- Danny894 years agoJunior
Not sure when it started running correctly, but its been running well since yesterday, and my data turns over at midnight so that should work fine!
At this point with how its been going and what testing has been done, is it safe to assume that its not an issue with my equipment, or an issue with the entire Hughes system(communications with the satellite or something wrong at the ground station), and just that theres a heavy overload going on at certain times?
Its absolutely brutal, but if there is an overload, thats all there is to it
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