Forum Discussion
Slow Speed
- 4 years ago
Good Morning Liz,
Let's start your day right. After extensive testing I think I have found the problem. I had an older switch attached that was sending out a lot of interference. I replaced it with a managed Netgear switch and there was a definite speed increase. Enclosed is a link to the test results.
I would say to close this ticket as the problem seems to be resolved. I thank you for your time and patience, I worked a help desk in Pittsburgh and I understand how rough a job you have. Thank you so much!!!
Ah, hold on, the diagnostics did finally complete. Looks like you're currently under the Fair Access Policy and have been so since June 29. Does that line up with when you noticed the slower speeds?
- RiverDog4 years agoSophomoreNo I've been having problems since before March, You can look at the speed tests on your website. If I can add an attachment I'll enclose a PDF. Due to health problems any tech visits would be better in the afternoon.
- Liz4 years agoModerator
I'm seeing something connected to the modem called "Archer_C7" with bad device health with high packet loss according to the diagnostics. Is that the computer you're using? Do you have another device to test with the modem or on the network to see if speeds are consistently slower than normal on other devices?
For your convenience I've sent you a complimentary token to apply to troubleshoot while outside of the Fair Access Policy.
- RiverDog4 years agoSophomoreThe Archer C7 is my router. I had it connected through a switch. The router is old so it could be defective. I connected my laptop directly to the modem and still got very slow speeds, 2.38 down and .39 up. i then tested with the desktop system, with nothing else connected, and got a .10 down and a .38 up. I will pick up a new router this weekend but won't connect till we can get the problem resolved. I still can't access the WIFI on the modem. Can you retest the modem when you get time and let me know what's going on? Thanks
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