Forum Discussion
Slow speeds only in prime time hours
- 8 years ago
Amanda has been working on my issue behind the scenes, so I thought I'd come on and mention that we are working through it. The result is that I'll be switching to Gen 5 on a lower data plan than what I currently have. With the compression of data on streaming that is used on Gen 5, I should be able to stay within the 30g. Even if I go over 30g the throttled speed is better than what I have today so it's a no-brainer.
thanks Amanda!
GabeU wrote:
Gwalk900 wrote:
dhorwath wrote:Mr. Corrosive,
I'm not one of those nerd types sitting around in my boxers all day checking in on bulletin boards and coming down on others.
I have to say though that I find your above quoted comment to a fellow user to be ..... less than civil.
Ditto Ditto.
You wrote: " The thing that makes me frustrated is that they have a new satellite. Those of us that have had speed issues for 5+ months in my case, should automatically get moved to it and not expect to pay more or start over on a contract. Seems reasonable to me."
Your statement seems reasonable to me.
Best, Curtis
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