Forum Discussion

dhorwath's avatar
8 years ago

Slow speeds only in prime time hours

I see there's other complaints but I'm not sure what was resolved with this issue.  I have the 15mg plan, using the HT1100 modem.  In the mornings I get 20+ download speeds using  Afternoon it drops some, then during prime time I'm down to 1mb.  I called tech support and they thought I need to re-point the satellite but that makes no sense if I'm getting good speed during the morning hours.  Can you offer any solutions?
  • Amanda has been working on my issue behind the scenes, so I thought I'd come on and mention that we are working through it.  The result is that I'll be switching to Gen 5 on a lower data plan than what I currently have.  With the compression of data on streaming that is used on Gen 5, I should be able to stay within the 30g.  Even if I go over 30g the throttled speed is better than what I have today so it's a no-brainer.

    thanks Amanda!

  • Why is it that when we run the test all we get back is gobbledy Gook.  I ran test with what is on the sped test on Hughes Net, and TestMy Net and both are below the national average for DL speeds and UL speeds.  when is Hughes net going to get with the program and provide what their TV advertisement is saying.  Fast it ain't
    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      dacarrigan wrote:
      Why is it that when we run the test all we get back is gobbledy **bleep**.  I ran test with what is on the sped test on Hughes Net, and TestMy Net and both are below the national average for DL speeds and UL speeds.  when is Hughes net going to get with the program and provide what their TV advertisement is saying.  Fast it ain't

      Comparing Hughesnet's speed results to the national average, which include fiber optic and cable and non consumer systems, is like comparing apples and oranges.  Satellite internet is not fiber optc, nor is it cable, and they are "with the program" with satellite internet.  The national average includes systems that consumers don't use and have speeds that we won't see for quite some time.


      A satellite ISP is, for the most part, an ISP of last resort.  Very few people would choose to get satellite for their internet when cable or fiber optic are available to them.      




  • The test I ran on both TestMyNet and the Hughes net speed test are below the national averages.  Hughes Net TV advertisements are extremely misleading
    • dhorwath's avatar

      ran a speed check and still got 1mg last night.  Can you inform the engineers?

  • ok I thought this was a forum where problems can be solved, maybe it's not.  I've heard plenty from those on this board that choose to post in defense of the Hughesnet company, and it's your perogative to post here.  However, I'm more interested in what the admins like Amanda and Liz have to say about my issue and with what can be done.  I don't know if you're having the same issue as I am, but for me, I am beyond frustrated to be locked into a 2 year commitment where the company has not held up their end of the bargain.  

    • rlucken's avatar


      Amen sir!

      I would be willing to put money that several of the people "posting" on here are hughesnet employee's.  It sounds like you and I are in the same boat.  I work for a ISP but happen to live in the country where they are unavailable.  Isp's have issues.  Sometimes they are quick fixes and sometimes they are more complicated.  Satelight internet is bound to have more issues due to the technology.....I get it. I get all of it.

      With that said the customer service and lack of attention I have gotten from hughesnet has been nothing short of horrific.  If I had a customer tell me my story and the things I have been told by different reps I would be so embarrassed.  Another 2 year contract to solve a issue that they created.  And more money to boot??? 

      I am sorry you are not getting better help.  I have not either.  This community board is nothing more than a way to string customers out in hopes they can get another month out of them. 


      I gave Hughesnet net every opportunity to do something, anything for me.  I have now logged complaints with the Fedral communciations commision and the Better business bureau.  


      Good luck to you and your continued fight.

      • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
        Associate Professor


        If you have filed complaints with those agencies, you will recieve responses with in the time alloted by each agency.

        As for "to solve a issue that they created", I would like to know how Hughesnet created this issue?  It is a known fact for any satellite provider to be profitable, they have, and MUST oversell the service and impose data caps to help stave off the impending congestion.  I am sorry you feel they created an issue and should bend over backwards and not make you sign a contract to help them pay off a new satellite system, but they aren't here as a non-profit.  They do have to make money, and they must recover costs.  The only way to do that is by one, having people commit for a minimum time period to a service, regardless of if they are past present, or a future customer.  Two, they must oversell the system.

        Or would you have been happier to have been told, "sorry, but we can't provide you any service what so ever" when trying to find a new ISP, like VSAT does?

        Just to be blunt, this will happen every time a system becomes overloaded and a new system is brought online to help alleviate the issue.  Happened going from HN7000 to SpacewayIII, and happened going from SpacewayIII to Jupiter One, and it's happening again going from Jupiter One to Jupiter II.  

        As far as the whole, "I would be willing to put money that several of the people "posting" on here are hughesnet employee's" statement...  The only direct employees here are Moderators and Administrators.  There are a few independent installers such as gokartergo24 and El Dorado Network that post here, but aside from that, the rest of us are typical customers.