Forum Discussion
Speed issues, can't stay on chat for Help
- 5 years ago
Hi bronccat,
Thank you for this information. I also noticed on your account that you've reached out to our corporate office, so yes, one of our corporate representatives will be in contact with you to address your concerns. I've shared this thread with him so that he has more details on the troubleshooting attempted thus far. I'll go ahead and close out this thread, as I'm sure our rep will provide you with a resolution.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
I was testing via testmy on 5 ghz band with nothing else online. Will do with laptop and ethernet and space out tests accordingly.
I know I won't get best results via wifi, but .4 MBPS is pretty dire no matter lol
That's pretty bad speed, definitely. When you experience these slow speeds, what's the state code? (the state code can be found here:!/home/status).
Also, what's your browsing experience when you measure those speeds? Was slow browsing what led you to run speed tests?
- bronccat5 years agoJuniorLooking for state code. Nothing would load on firestick (like Huku Home, NF, etc) and slow browsing.
- bronccat5 years agoJuniorOn thehome page following that link I see only diagnostic code? 0s then 0005
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
If you're on the modem's home page, click on System Status. When you get to the system status page, look for the number next to State Code (located in the System Summary box). The code that indicates everything's working as it should is 0.0.0.
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