Forum Discussion
Upload Issue again
- 7 years ago
Ok, finally got figured out except for one issue, combined testing with max data set.
You see the tabs to the right of 'optional'? Both will set the 'minimum' data size but won't affect the maximum so it still tests anything it wants and of course, if it tests something reasonable the first time and runs quickly it will rerun with more data the next time so it is very important that I remember to click nfw. I'm following your instructions but unless I test upload and download separately I have no control over the maximum data used.
Hughes Level 4 called today (1/11/19) and when she had me run the upload test it was 33Kbps up and 21.3 down. Unplug the modem, bypass the router, long periods of silence and 'still buffering' for 25 minutes until it finally steamed without buffering but I haven't a clue what she did and I got the idea that she had a quota on either words or characters used, kink of like Twitter. I appreciated what ever she did but as she trying to get off the phone I asked if 2215 ms ping rate wasn't a touch long. She said she didn't know, 'bye'. I've never asked any tech about that before so I don't know if only certain techs are familiar with ping rates. I let it go and won't complain unless it becomes a consistant issue. What is your average ping rate? I don't know if arbitrarily picks Dallas to ping but that's what this is testing. I understand that a high ping rate will affect the loading of a page which is what I'm running into. Slow to connect, handshake, etc. but once loaded it streams with litte buffering now. She must have done something, 1.5 Mbps up - 25Mbps down. Just so it stays. Thanks for the info.
Oh, you're right, I wasn't able to see that your note about being out of data was addressed to someone else. I've yet to figure out this board.
dfbeck wrote:While download speeds average 16.7Mbps upload speeds drop to an average of 3.3Mbps which means uploads are virtually shutoff at times.
I'm a little confused. An upload speed of 3.3Mbps is better than what probably 99% of us get, and is higher than the advertised Gen5 up to speeds. Gen4 is lower than that, I believe.
A 12.1.9 State Code is indicative of an issue, no doubt, and your problem playing Youtube videos is also indicative of an issue of some type, but an upload speed of 3.3Mbps is fantastic.
To parrot maratsade's question, what are you using to measure your speed? Is it still If so, something's very "not right".
- dfbeck7 years agoJunior
GabeU Maratsade,
Darn decimal points, refuse to stay where they're planted. It should be .33Mbps and it's actually become even slower at .22Mbps while some videos refuse to even start. Testing was performed with, Ookla, and Xfinity Speed Test. Yesterday, 12/21/18, page loading was about as bad as it gets. Even text only pages with no embedded video was painfully slow causing to time out. I'm running a speed test 12/22/18 at 2:49 and the upload speeds at 2.2Mbps are faster than than the download speeds at .430Mbps but as is the case those slow download numbers are only occuring intermittantly. I was going to average the data from all three speed applications but since the speeds vary with such rapidity even a 30 second difference is enough to generate an inaccurate reading so I used just as the official test. Intel i5 with 8gigs mem on Win 7
If a packet sent from this desktop but not received at Hughes due to noise, a high error rate or whatever, is that packet sent again automatically? I've had videos that refused to load until I refreshed the page and some have timed out without my intervention. I don't know if that is simply a fluke, a coincidence in the timing of my call for the page to refresh or if the data being resent was the reason the page finally loaded.
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
I think your decimal points have been doing some holiday partying already. LOL.
Where did you get these speeds? "69.1Mbps download and 86.8Mbps upload." The upload speed is especially suspect, so I wonder if you got it with Speedtest, Xfinity, or another one of those tests that are not recommended for testing the speed of a satellite connection, because they do not give reliable results (maybe due to the latency?).
If you could post the URL to your account results page, that'd provide a wealth of data for people (especially HN engineers) to analyze, and it'd give them a more accurate picture of what may be going on.
The URL would look like this:[your username]
I hope the problems you're experiencing get solved quickly. Stinks to have all these issues.
- dfbeck7 years agoJunior
Yah, those speeds are pretty crazy but they've appeared on and Ookla. It has to be some kind of fluke with the test programs. I'm going to run again tonight since it appears that from the constant buffering and videos starting at 144p and switching back and forth every 2 or 3 minutes the problem is getting worse. I had to drop Netflix and Hulu again. I just don't have the patients. I'll copy the results. I really dislike the thought of quitting on Hughes. When it works, it works great and is really quite dependable but every time an issue comes up like this it takes weeks to be corrected and I get the idea that the problem was more likely to have simply gone away on it's own rather than an actual repair. Windstream dsl is less than a mile away but I'll wait and see what happens this time.
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