Be safe!
...and don't leave any children unattended or else I might eat them.
Are you trying to tell us that you secretly wish you was a t-rex that ate human children for a light snack instead of candies?
Probably both.
Yesterday was absolutely hilarious watching Liz run (literally) around the office in an inflatable t-rex suit.
Yes, we have a new department, "TCC" for our most difficult customers.
Loving Rex. Difficult customers will from now be referred to that department to discuss their grievances (email to schedule a snack appointment). Customers are advised to bring a nice Merlot that compliments them well.
Salad not welcome. Rex hates salads.
Jurassic Hughes Business Park
Dunno @Liz, the guy on left's costume is much scarier.
Y'all are hilarious!
Only juicy, crunchy customers. They're so good with ketchup.
@Liz wrote:Salad not welcome. Rex hates salads.