Forum Discussion
Any Known Gateway Issues In ELP TX? Frequently Loosing Association
Is there any known current issues with the El Paso TX gateway? We're on beam 49 gateway 11
Seems like this is our issue, we keep loosing association with the gateway. This keeps happening numerous & repetitive times over the past two days, more often in frequency during the afternoon and evening.
I checked weather there today, today there was a tiny storm in the area but not exactly there, unsure about yesterday.
Yes Liz, all weekend no problems (!?!), yet all week previously until you put in the fix schedule it was like clockwork and constant.
But he could still see major issues when he got here, and he was a new to Hughes installer (from DTV) having only been doing Hughes for 5 months or so he said.We had power outages a few times early this morning and today, so I lost all the hourly history, but so far I think it's looking good!
I've seen a few (maybe 1-3) red X's in uplink hourly history though, but I assume a random one here or there is always going to be normal, but there hasn't been any issues or solid rows of X's like before.Will give another update in few days, thanks again Liz!
- cybo54Junior
It starts out looking like turbo page is being lost/reset, then it devolves into gateway and association lost and it seems regaining that back always takes 3-5 minutes or more when this happens (sometimes 10-20 minutes).
Disabling turbo page doesn't help, status stays degraded when this is happening due to the lost gateway I assume. Signal strength good during all these times (115-118 etc)
This happened probably 20+ times yesterday and has already happened at least 3-5 times today while simply trying to post this inquiry.
I thought maybe yesterday was a fluke and engineers were adjusting things, but I'm starting to think maybe that's not the cause now since it's carrying on today too.
We'd like to in case it would help, but have not reset the modem manually in case someone needed to look at logs/stats. It took 20+ minutes of trying just to add in this edit/follow-up
- LizModerator
Hello cybo54,
Thank you for posting and providing these updates. I've run diagnostics and there isn't anything significant happening with your gateway. Is the intermittent connectivity happening still today?
- cybo54Junior
Hi Liz, and thank you for your reply!
I was trying to post an update here over past 20 minutes or so but had the same issue so yes it's still going on.
* Update - And happened again multiple times just now (3:04PM ET + 3:28), now 5 times since I got online today (about 1:20PM ET).
Quicker resolve this last time, but it's not always like that, sometimes 5 minutes or more before it resolves.
Also followed up with numerous extended periods of 30.1.1 today with pages working sometimes and sometimes not, reseting turbo page only helps a short time.
(Was in process of adding) Not meant as a bump, just updating this is now happening three straight days in a row, and I checked no weather issues here or there.
If there is not some known issue, can we maybe get moved to a more stable gateway?
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