Forum Discussion
Any Known Gateway Issues In ELP TX? Frequently Loosing Association
- 8 years ago
Yes Liz, all weekend no problems (!?!), yet all week previously until you put in the fix schedule it was like clockwork and constant.
But he could still see major issues when he got here, and he was a new to Hughes installer (from DTV) having only been doing Hughes for 5 months or so he said.We had power outages a few times early this morning and today, so I lost all the hourly history, but so far I think it's looking good!
I've seen a few (maybe 1-3) red X's in uplink hourly history though, but I assume a random one here or there is always going to be normal, but there hasn't been any issues or solid rows of X's like before.Will give another update in few days, thanks again Liz!
Hello cybo54,
Thank you for posting and providing these updates. I've run diagnostics and there isn't anything significant happening with your gateway. Is the intermittent connectivity happening still today?
Hi cybo54,
You're welcome! Can you please double-check the coax's connection to the modem? If it's not tightly screwed in, please secure it and let me know once that's done.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
- cybo548 years agoJunior
Thanks Liz!
Yes, I checked and all cables were already tight, but gave them a firm re-tightening just in case.
- cybo548 years agoJunior
Initial update for the day, hopped online and already happening for the day (1:41PM ET through 1:53PM until it finally re-connected, then right back down @1:55-2:02).
I'm unsure how many times it's happened for others during the day, or how many times it's happened when no one was using it, but you can see in the error summary it's adding up.
21.1.15 + 30.1.1 + 20.2.1 (also 12.7.1 + 12.1.9 - the later of which I've mentioned here as far back as Feb with our initial install (on the 12.7.1 thread) and it's made a constant appearance since install)
Maybe rebooting the modem would/might help, but we haven't tried because I know leaving the stats in there for now may help you have a look at things.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Hi cybo54,
Thanks for the update. While I have you here, I want to dispatch a tech to your site. Are you available for a site visit Monday? If so let me know which of these time slots work for you:
08:00 AM
-11:00 AM11:00 AM
-02:00 PM02:00 PM
-05:00 PM- cybo548 years agoJunior
Hi Liz and thank you!
Yes, we will be here anytime on Monday, but may one of the latter two would be better for us. If the earlier one is better for them that is fine too though, so whatever works best for them but we'll be here.
We wont be charged for this? I surely hope not since we just got this setup 2 months ago.
Should we not reboot the modem until then, so he/you can continue to look at the logs? If we shouldn't I'll make sure everyone knows.
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