Forum Discussion
Any Known Gateway Issues In ELP TX? Frequently Loosing Association
- 8 years ago
Yes Liz, all weekend no problems (!?!), yet all week previously until you put in the fix schedule it was like clockwork and constant.
But he could still see major issues when he got here, and he was a new to Hughes installer (from DTV) having only been doing Hughes for 5 months or so he said.We had power outages a few times early this morning and today, so I lost all the hourly history, but so far I think it's looking good!
I've seen a few (maybe 1-3) red X's in uplink hourly history though, but I assume a random one here or there is always going to be normal, but there hasn't been any issues or solid rows of X's like before.Will give another update in few days, thanks again Liz!
Thanks, you too! :)
Hi Liz,
I know you're not here, and I know you said go ahead with the switch out no matter what, but I wanted to give todays update anyway.
No issues today, especially when expected like normally the past 3-5 days starting right at 1-2PM (Possibly earlier but I never get online before then). I looked at the state code summary too since reboot and nothing at all except 12.1.9 for 2979 seconds at 3.55%. So it's possible that it simply needed a reboot, but I guess issues like that shouldn't be compounded and more frequent like that just because it hasn't been rebooted. So maybe that in itself is an issue, maybe not and just needed rebooted can be normal? I supposed it's not expected that we have to reboot every week or three, but maybe it should be the suggested norm?
Of course, once I reach out and you put in a truck roll the issue goes away. I think the reboot fixed it, but didn't want to do that before so you could see the state codes built up.
Will add in an update tomorrow as well.
- cybo548 years agoJunior
Update for Sunday - same as yesterday, I think a reboot fixed whatever the problem was unless somethings changed on your end
More 12.1.9 though, now at 7505 seconds = 4.5322% - cybo548 years agoJunior
Waiting on the installer now. Still no issues, and only those two things mentioned previously in the state code pages, big change from the 25-30 noted items before.
We wondered if sun glare could possibly be the cause of some of these issues? Since Friday one of our vehicles is moved from it's previous usual location which could be glaring directly onto the dish during daytime hours and it made me wonder if maybe sun glare could have any effect on connection reliability? I plan to test this after they redo everything today, by putting the car back and seeing if same issues pop up in next few days.
- C0RR0SIVE8 years agoAssociate Professor
Sunlight wont affect the signal, only high frequency radio waves would.
- cybo548 years agoJunior
C0RR0SIVE wrote:Sunlight wont affect the signal, only high frequency radio waves would.
Thanks! I wasn't sure and that's the only thing that changed on our end while everything magically worked over the weekend.
I did read heat from the sun can cause LBN related issues, so maybe if not the glare directly interfering the heat from the glare itself maybe making some part of the setup get too hot that was already partially going bad.
* I did just notice two more entries added into the state code logs, so maybe it just hasn't had time to build up and start causing problems again.
Both trasmit/receive related - 11.3.1 + 12.3.1 (along with now 3.5% total of 12.1.9)
I guess the uplink errors speak for themselves - thanks for getting this fixed Liz!
- C0RR0SIVE8 years agoAssociate Professor
Heat can affect the transmitter, but it would have to be an incredibly hot day with no wind at all for the thing to overheat... They did design the out door equipment to work on a typical day in the harshest of environments, from Alaskan cold, to the deserts in the south-west.
- cybo548 years agoJunior
OK, installer has come and gone Liz, thanks!
He only changed out the radio. He said he could tell immediately when he got here uplink was bad, and when he looked at the radio he said it was old model and looked to be refurbished with dirty/old lens cover too so that could have been adding to whatever else was wrong with it internally. I showed him your post about also replacing the modem, but he said they have to pay for that if the other isn't bad, so he didn't want to replace it even though I showed him that. So if issues persist it could be that still, and it's on them haha!
He said no uplink issue once the brand new radio was installed, and it was a newer model and brand new unit.
Moving the car back into place :smileywink:
Will update in day or two and hopefully let you know all is well! Thanks again for your time to help get this resolved!
- cybo548 years agoJunior
C0RR0SIVE wrote:Heat can affect the transmitter, but it would have to be an incredibly hot day with no wind at all for the thing to overheat... They did design the out door equipment to work on a typical day in the harshest of environments, from Alaskan cold, to the deserts in the south-west.
Thanks for the info, I assumed they were probably designed to work in extreme heat and cold. I think maybe if that was the sole issue it was just bad radio internals with the old feedhorn cover not helping things either.
Hopefully the radio was the only cause of the issue!
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Hi cybo54,
Thanks for all your updates! I'm glad we at least switched out the radio for you and that you were having no issues even before the site visit. I hope to hear nothing but good news in your next update. :)
- cybo548 years agoJunior
Yes Liz, all weekend no problems (!?!), yet all week previously until you put in the fix schedule it was like clockwork and constant.
But he could still see major issues when he got here, and he was a new to Hughes installer (from DTV) having only been doing Hughes for 5 months or so he said.We had power outages a few times early this morning and today, so I lost all the hourly history, but so far I think it's looking good!
I've seen a few (maybe 1-3) red X's in uplink hourly history though, but I assume a random one here or there is always going to be normal, but there hasn't been any issues or solid rows of X's like before.Will give another update in few days, thanks again Liz!
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Good, glad to hear it, cybo54! :D
- cybo548 years agoJunior
Hi Liz,
I meant to come back sooner and give a final update, but forgot. Anyway, here's a final update and we can close this thread now if you want, thanks! :)
Final update is - no problems, and everything has been working properly since the tech came out! Thanks again for getting him out here quickly, this issue is solved!
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Yay thanks, cybo54!
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