Forum Discussion
Community notification emails have stopped.
- 5 years ago
Good morning folks,
Thank you for your patience while we continue to investigate. While we currently can resolve this issue as it pops up on a user by user basis, we're still working on pinpointing the root cause of this forum notification issue to apply a permanent and universal solution. I'll keep this thread updated on news as we get it.
If you notice your e-mail notifications not arriving when you should be receiving them, please let me know ASAP; posting in here is fine. Include the approximate date and time of the notification received in the community that didn't arrive as an e-mail notification.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
Just realized I didn't clarify - the issue that should be resolved is forwarding to MSN. Are you able to do that now?
Yep! As of this evening, both automatic forwarding from hughes to MSN and direct emails from hughes to MSN are working. 🙂
Now, if there were only some Community Notifications to forward. 😁
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Hi Gabe,
Glad to see the forwards and direct mails to MSN are working again. That's still the case now?
Regarding the community email notifications, we're working on that and hope to get an explanation and resolution for why this keeps happening. I'll keep you posted!
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Well that's good! We're having a meeting today that touches on this topic, so I expect an update on what happened.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Notifications are still not working for me. Last one I got was Dec 15.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
OK, good to know, thanks maratsade! I'm looking forward to the call with all the involved teams to understand why this keeps happening. I'll keep you posted.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Some notifications are now coming through, though not all.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Thanks for these updates folks!
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
kitnbob wrote:
GabeU wrote:I hope it continues. 🙂
Hey Gabe,
Why are most of your posts ending with "🙂" ?
Isn't that an ASCII hard carriage return?
Hope ya find this in MSN inbox:smileyhappy:
It's just something I learned how to do a few months back and have been using it, probably too often.
If you press Win + . you'll see a bunch of options.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Good morning folks,
Thank you for your patience while we continue to investigate. While we currently can resolve this issue as it pops up on a user by user basis, we're still working on pinpointing the root cause of this forum notification issue to apply a permanent and universal solution. I'll keep this thread updated on news as we get it.
If you notice your e-mail notifications not arriving when you should be receiving them, please let me know ASAP; posting in here is fine. Include the approximate date and time of the notification received in the community that didn't arrive as an e-mail notification.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
I don't think you have the key in Win 7. Here's what it looks like:
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
have no idea what that spells in machine language
If it breaks the Community Notification emails, I will take the blame
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
kitnbob wrote:Thanks guys.
In Win 7 when I do Win + it starts Magniifier
Tried that before I asked.
I do have a program called CharacterMap in system tools
- ӝӏԏӢӄӫЪ
Edit: It looks like what would be in place of a curse word. :p
Actually, come to think of it, I don't think it works with Windows 7 anyway. I didn't know this until just looking it up. Sorry.
BTW, Win + . means pressing and holding the Windows key, then pressing the period key. The + means and in this case. (Win + .)
This is what it brings up in Windows 10...
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
GabeU wrote:
kitnbob wrote:Thanks guys.
In Win 7 when I do Win + it starts Magniifier
Tried that before I asked.
I do have a program called CharacterMap in system tools
- ӝӏԏӢӄӫЪ
Edit: It looks like what would be in place of a curse word. :p
Actually, come to think of it, I don't think it works with Windows 7 anyway. I didn't know this until just looking it up. Sorry.
BTW, Win + .pressing (Win + .)
(Win + .) Still launches Magnifier with or without the period.
I usually avoid emojies pages :catsurprised: - Kitnbob
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
kitnbob wrote:(Win + .) Still launches Magnifier with or without the period.
It sounds like you're pressing the Win key and the Plus sign key (+). Those two together are the shortcut for the magnifier.
Again though, I believe this emoji shortcut (Win key and period key) is a Windows 10 only feature.
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
GabeU wrote:
kitnbob wrote:(Win + .) Still launches Magnifier with or without the period.
It sounds like you're pressing the Win key and the Plus sign key (+). Those two together are the shortcut for the magnifier.
Well Yea! thats what I have been doing all along. My mistake.
But thats what you posted all along Win + .
Win and + and . would tell me something different just like Alt and 234 would produce Ω
Alt and 43 would produce +
Ive been using Alt+ characters for years even back in 98.
I think that Win Key has been on every keyboard since 95.
(thats Win98 and Win95 for all you youngsters.)
We didnt have smileys and emojis back then and I still not interested in them. :catsad:
I think we are on the same page now ♪♫ ♪ arnt we? ¿ ¿
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
kitnbob wrote:But thats what you posted all along Win + .
I did, as that's how "Win AND period" is written out when giving key instructions. When the plus sign is one that needs to be pressed, it's normally in parentheses, like 'Win + (+)', meaning 'Win AND the plus sign', which brings up the magnifier.
I should have spelled it out in the first place. My apologies.
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