Forum Discussion
Data Usage Meter inconsistancies
- 8 years ago
The community does have a time-out, I think it's three hours, but the cookie will also expire if you close your browsing session. This is a security thing because of SSO (Single Sign On), which can make it very easy to access your account details from the community site.
I did the math but just like computer programming, it's garbage in, garbage out. My My Account read 51.8 gigs used and hadn't updated by 7:30 pm and the Usage meter tally of data used appears to have updated once from 5.1 mb to 51.8 though I don't know when that occurred. That was data used on the 26th. At 3:30 am, on the 27th, the Usage meter did update and to my surprise I had used 1.3 gigs though I thought it would be much lower.
GabeU, the formulation gives me an idea of what I have to stay under to make it to the end of the month but that computation has to be performed every day, several times a day if the use is updated, because use doens't stay static. I may find out the next morning that I used 2.2 gigs the day before. Refigure and find I have to tighten the belt, so to speak.
It appears that everyone has arrived at the same conclusion, sort of. I particularly like MarkJFine's suggestions but is that as far as they will go?
Does anyone else have Data Tokens waiting to be used. No one said anything about them and they would have since their existance on the graph presents a somewhat bizzare result. When the Bonus time line is NOT included in the graph, the token's data is added to the Service data line but not the Plan Data remaining total. I have 10.8 gigs Service left but the bar graph is close to 18 gigs when my 7.3 Tokens are added. When the Bonus data line is added to the graph the scale of the graph changes where the max was 60 gigs, it changes to 120 gigs. When the curser is placed on todays data point, the ballon reads the same 10.8 gigs but the green line rests again at 18 gigs. In other words, the graph lines have no correlation to the info in the bubble unless you realize that no matter what, Tokens are in cluded in the graph line, not the bubble. Probably not as large an issue for the time it took to type this but it was just another confusing item thrown into the mix. This is why I thought the Usage total was so grossly inaccurate before. There is no explaination of this that I have read so far.
On a slightly different topic but still related; does the Community login time out if unused? Mine appears to be doing that and logging me off just to read direct mail as well as email. Any posts have to be completed in a timely manner or I get a big red 'no authorization' flag. It's definately a hinderance if the data page is to remain open but considering it doesn't update, I guess, what difference does it make?
The community does have a time-out, I think it's three hours, but the cookie will also expire if you close your browsing session. This is a security thing because of SSO (Single Sign On), which can make it very easy to access your account details from the community site.
- dfbeck8 years agoJunior
Thank you. Only an issue because my login is so slow on both boxes.
- dfbeck8 years agoJunior
Did anyone happen to notice that there is no 10/28 on the Usage History? At least mine doesn't have that date. And with the curser over the dot on the graph for the 27th shows I've already used 750.7 mb. I never logged on from midnight to 2:00 am and the current time in 8:29am on 10/28. So after being logged on for 29 minutes it shows I've used 750.7 which is unusual for the amount of data used since during that 29 minutes I viewed two web pages with no graphics.
Is there a moderator who can find out what happens with data when a full day is missing? Will it not refresh (reload) until 11/2? Will data used all show up on the 27th or the 29th? I promise I won't argue with you. Just looking for answers.
I responded to a post that the problem I was addressing what fixed, Corrosive answered the question I asked but now I realize that may be misdirecting others to think the data tracking issue was resolved. So if you've arrived here anticipating some method of tracking your data real time, it hasn't been figured out totally yet.
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