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Gen 6 Speed Lost After 2.4. 24

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Gen 6 Speed Lost After 2.4. 24

I had Gen 6 installed on 1.13.24 . It has been great, with speeds at or above 12mps until 2.4.24 , we did have rain, this didn't affect the speeds before. On 2.4.24 later in the day, we had winds, some good gusts. I noticed buffering, and my financial sites would not load, other sites very slow to load. As can be seen below, the degradation of my speeds . I have had Gen 6 less than one month. If I need a service call due to a problem with a recent instillation, would I be charged for it?

I am was not having a heavy weather event during the last four speed tests,just clouds no rain. I looked at Texas, no storms there, or in Maryland. Is it just me, or a larger problem?


Hughes Gen 6 speed test.png



I see my performance is great 🙂

02/12/2024 07:43 AM


Thanks 🙂



View solution in original post


View of diagnostics.


Hughes Diagnostics.png



Thank you for reaching out again and I am sorry to see this. I am unsure as to exactly why you are still receiving slow speeds. The equipment is reporting as fully operational but your speeds are low. Your signal quality for the dish is great as well. I do see the modem is currently reporting cloud coverage and rain which can definitely degrade the service in the form of slow speeds and intermittent connectivity. Once the weather is reporting as clear (no longer cloudy), I can perform some commands on the modem remotely to re-associate. If I perform this now when skies are still cloudy, it will make things worse as it may lose communication completely.  


As far as having a tech come out when there are no issues being reported on our system, it may count as "customer requested" which would mean you would have to cover the cost. Hopefully the commands I perform help your issue.



Damian- Thank You for your reply. I just performed a test-275 kps.

As far as clouds causing such a degradation of the signal, I know this is the usual fall back reason, but it doesn't fly.

When my Gen 6 was installed, it was cloudy, raining. A speed test immediately was over 12mps.I had great speeds in rainy conditions until the wind event last nite, the weather in California was a National news story. We had 40+ mph gusts . My summation is the aim of the dish is off, due to wind. This then would be an installation problem, the dish was not tightened properly in it's installation - my opinion.  Is there no way to check the aim of the dish? We will not have consistent clear skies until next Monday , perhaps the re-association can be performed then? I will request the re association next Monday Thanks

Distinguished Professor IV

Is your ground station located in CA? 

I don't know, you should have that info I would think. I had good speeds when there were 2 other storms in California.What I do know is that my speeds were good, then we had high wind gusts directly into the face of the dish, and my speeds after that went to well under 1 mps, I had 12 + mps when gen 6 was installed in the rain and clouds on 1.13.23. The wind gusts last Saturday  appear causal to me , that's when my speeds slowed. Now I am supposed to wait a week until there are clear skies for a re-association, if this isn't a re-aim, I doubt it will help. Speed test just taken 608mps cloudy skies, no rain. Perhaps water in the connection of the coaxial cable (it was raining when installed) ? My bet is on the wind changing the aim, not a secure clamping of the dish.  Thanks

Distinguished Professor IV

@maratsade wrote:

Is your ground station located in CA?  

@eco wrote:

I don't know, you should have that info I would think.

maratsade isn't a HughesNet employee.

Still, it seems the wind event we had has moved the aim of the dish. Rain, clouds didn't affect my speeds, wind gusts did, the timing of the loss of speed coincided with the wind gusts. Thanks



If the dish was not aligned properly due to wind, the dish signal quality would show a very low number or right at the bare minimum which is 60. Your signal quality is sitting well above average staying steady at 129. While I do not disagree that the mounted dish may be a bit loose, it has not shifted out of aim or position yet according to the remote diagnostics. Since the skies will remain cloudy for some time, you do not have to wait for me. If you wish to have a technician come out as soon as possible instead, you can call our support line at 1-866-347-3292 and have this requested.  Also, it appears your ground station has changed after installation, and is now located in Rapid City, SD. -Damian 

Damian- Thanks for your reply. Most recent speed test show 455 kps just now. When was the ground station changed? if on Saturday, that adds to the mix, or not. If the signal quality, I expect this is a test of the upload strength, which indicates good aim, this does negate the aim question. What could then be the issue? Water in the connection? It appears Monday we will have clear skies, hopefully no issues with the Rapid City, SD. station for this re-association. Can we set up a time for this re-association ? I am in PST so we will be on the same time .  Thanks.

My Speeds of late, last nite in lite rain were unusable. When my Gen 6 was installed, it was raining, in the days after installation , there was rain, yet I had 12mps and better speed. 

Damian- what does a re-association entail? must there be noone using the system during this process?

How long does this take? Thanks

Hughes Speed 2.8.23.png



It only requires you keeping the modem plugged in and it takes about 20-30 minutes. If you are using the system during the re-association, you will be kicked off temporarily. We can set it for Monday if skies are clear and there is no rain. That is, if you do not want to call to have a tech out to test your water connection theory. As far as what is wrong with the system, that is unclear currently. If the re-association fails, then that will rule out any and all remote fixes I can perform specifically and a tech would need to come out. Alternatively, the case could also be escalated to our engineers.      



Damian- Thanks for your info. Saturday has a clear forecast, Monday is mostly sunny. Your choice. If Saturday isn't good for you, then Monday ? After that, the techs option, then a service visit as I understand from your reply. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know. Thanks

Damian- I hope the re-association is done on Monday. The performance lately is no, many sites time out , and sometimes a reconnect wifi helps , but fleetingly, then back to time out. My Hughes speed test results show before problems- 20mps, then after Feb 5 .....

Hughes Site Speed test.png


I see my performance is great 🙂

02/12/2024 07:43 AM


Thanks 🙂



Distinguished Professor IV

That's certainly a jump in speed, that's for sure. 

Yes. Damian said he would perform re association. I assume this was done. The ground station was changed to Rapid City SD. Perhaps this was the cause?

Distinguished Professor IV

Though I can't say for sure, being that it's now much better on the new ground station that's probably why. 

The answer would be the day the ground station was changed, I had good speeds until 2.5 . Also why didn't the administrators re-associate my system when that happened, perhaps because of weather concerns?



I am so glad this worked and yes I was able to perform this. I assume the reason they didn't do it last time is because any bit of cloud coverage or bad weather in the area prevents us from doing that.  Also, your ground station changed when you were installed on the new Hughesnet system. -Damian 

Well, The install was on 1.13 , I lost performance on 2.5 , I had 12 mps and better after the install to 2.5, never above 16 mbs , it was raining the day of the install, and on and off clouds thru 2.5 when I lost speed , curious, I understand no re-association on the install day due to clouds. Perhaps a suggestion from the installer that he could not re-associate until the weather cleared would of been good, for future reference, being the dish , modem was replaced , I would think some type of association had to be done, almost an all new install, to a new bird, only the mast and coaxial cable was reused. Anyways, I'm good , a recent speed test on testmytest - 26.8 mbs Thanks Damian 🙂



