Forum Discussion
New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)
- 7 years ago
My repoint to ES17 is done. Promising for sure.
As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.
Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.
What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far. I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps. I can live with that. ;-)
So... so far so good. Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.
There are issues with some of the beams. They are working on them; give them a break. If you would like someone to look at your specific issues, create your own thread.
needhelp wrote:You and i are in the same boat........... same area/same problem. Signed up on new Gen5 about 2 months ago. Worked fine for maybe 2 or 3 weeks then the bottom fell out. I now get speeds likie .10Kbps/download 0/kbs upload. Got the same run around with tech support. Finallay got some answers about a week+ ago. Are you ready for this -- having some kind of alingment (?) problem or problem with sat. They are working on it. SAID THEY MAYBE HAVE IT FIXED IN A MONTH!!! In the mean time you and i could walk faster and have a one on one chat with whoever we are trying deal with on the system. I AM NOT HAPPY.!! By the way sometimes it works for a few minutes but still only around 1 to 4 Mbps.
maratsade wrote:There are issues with some of the beams. They are working on them; give them a break. If you would like someone to look at your specific issues, create your own thread.
Yes, to those with issues, may be best you create your own thread. Although each of us may have similar issues, they may level out for some while not the others, and I would like to close-out mine once I get a week or two of OK connections w/o the loss of speed at night, I woud like to close-out this thread.
Plus I feel it is important to keep as level headed as possible and professional in statements and don't appreciate constant attacks on any party trying to help. Remember I am also a customer and have experience poor connection from day 1 but it seems Hughes is trying to help and I have seen some changes since.
Guessing we may still see a few more ups and downs but in time all will settle down.
Regards, TJ
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