Forum Discussion
New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)
- 8 years ago
My repoint to ES17 is done. Promising for sure.
As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.
Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.
What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far. I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps. I can live with that. ;-)
So... so far so good. Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.
TYGRHobbes wrote:150k downloads, yikes that's worse than me. Mine is hovering just around 600-800k. This will be my last post here as I moved mine to a new thread. Yes, let's hope this beam 55 problem can be solved so we can all have a Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year =D. Good luck to all!
Hi TYGRHobbes, these are in FAP state right now so with whatever the beam 55 issue is, if you are in FAP, instead of getting normal FAP speeds, they also feel the slow down pain it seems since I get so low of #s.
But prior to FAP, after 5PM to say 11PM my speeds diminished and I would have to go back and look but speeds were normally 500K down but it did not seem like real 500K, meaning websites timed out, would not open, or took minutes to load. Sometimes it would bounce back up to 1Mbps and that seemed to be OK, but common when not in FAP but late in the day downloads were 1Mbps to 1.5Mbps. It at least was OK when I had that speed but it also went down to K range and then all goes to pot.
But during FAP, yeh it is really bad. During the day while in FAP I get 1.2Mbps and it works fine.... but 5PM hits and man does it die fast. By 8PM I am getting uploads of 12k and downloads of 150K. It hurts bad. grin.
macsocietyYeah those 600k-800kbps speeds for me are not in FAP. I only ran one FAP test Thanksgiving day when my allowance finally poofed around 7:30p. It was around 300kbps. I figured there's no reson to continue testing in FAP if the normal speeds are way slow, that FAP test took forever to run. My general problem times start a little after noon and usually don't end until after midnight. Durning those times I may peak at 2Mbps but on average it's 600k-800kbps. Here's my testing for reference in case you're interested:
- El Dorado Netwo8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Hello All,
We're still doing some testing on three accounts at our office to see if we can identify anything local that can be done. We got word on Wednesday (11/22) that HN Engineering was going to attempt some changes to Beam 55 yesterday. You might want to reboot everything and see if anything has changed. I'll be in our office later today and check out our own systems.
I'll post here, but anyone who would like more info can write me at eldoradonetworks (- at -) Gmail dot com
- Amanda8 years agoModerator
Hi everyone,
Not a problem. I'd be bothered if someone cut in my line too :)
Liz and I will learn more about some of these more problematic beams this coming week and she will provide information as it comes through.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and got "stuffed"!
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
El Dorado Netwo wrote:Hello All,
We're still doing some testing on three accounts at our office to see if we can identify anything local that can be done. We got word on Wednesday (11/22) that HN Engineering was going to attempt some changes to Beam 55 yesterday. You might want to reboot everything and see if anything has changed. I'll be in our office later today and check out our own systems.
I'll post here, but anyone who would like more info can write me at eldoradonetworks (- at -) Gmail dot com
I reset my modem per your suggestion above, right after reading it... then headed out to shop with the wife.
I am in FAP and around 8:30PM pst my internet had been almost dead... but tonight, maybe coincedance or they did find something, while in FAP I am getting about 1.2Mbps like I normally get during the day and it is 8:30PM here. Uploads are slow compared to day #s but better than the 12k I had been getting. Getting about 300K tonight.
At least my system seems usable tonight and I like that.
- TYGRHobbes8 years agoJunior
I tested today in FAP and got 1.1Mbps which seemed good and was actually faster than the non FAP tests taken previously at the same time period. I just now tested with token bytes and got 1.3Mbps so that was not good :mansad: I reset my modem earlier as well but doesn't seem like that fixed anything with what these tests show.
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Terrible speed today... and after such a decent day yesterday. Guessing there was really no fix, or at least one that helped. Think I was on gateway 104 yesterday.... this AM was only getting 700K speed so reset modem and now have gateway 102... which I sense is the worse for me. Now I am getting only 200K down and it is only 11:45am PST. Upload will not even test out at is so slow but last one I got was down in the teens. Kinda sad today. Might pull the plug on the modem and leave unpowered for longer... see if I can get any other than 102 again. Unsure if that is really the issue but...
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Reset modem again... let it stay disconnected 30 minutes.... found gateway 104 on reboot. Tests immediately better for download.... uploads still stink but a tad better. 1.2Mbps down now on one test but only 106k for upload. It is raining outside but nit heavy.
- BirdDog8 years agoAssistant Professor
That really is bad, I had similar about a year ago and they fixed it. Hope the same for you. One thing I noticed is they had changed my Outroute ID to 35 from the normal 32. I mentioned it here and they switched it back and all was fine again. Not saying your problem but just throwing it out there.
I do experience evening slowdowns also but not cnstant like you're getting.
And still Gen 4.
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Ouch.... I have had plenty of upload tests that just fail to complete, time out, even on uber small 256k size... but toinight has beaten my prior lowest 12k with a special 10k.
Grumbles as he turns off his computer.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
10kbps. SMH. There aren't enough words to describe how awful that is.
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
GabeU.... the only thing more painful is my wife giving me the evil eye when she is trying to download a small kindle book and it does not download.
I feel like shriveling up and going into a corner someplace. LOL.
this is just for representation and not my wife... but every husband here will get my drift.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Hi macsociety,
Thank you again for your patience while engineering continues to work on addressing network concerns. The only update I have so far for you is additional capacity is being added in an effort to address these concerns. No timeframe has been given on when this work will be completed, but once I have news about it I'll let you know. Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.
- mattboring788 years agoNew Poster
so i am new to this system. first couple monthes were great. i even uped my plan for more data as we wee going over by the end of the month. have been having issues since October. was like a switch was flipped. one day it was awsome, the next not so much. have had around 10 conversations with tech support, had a tech out twice and now i see from what i am reading here, this is far from an isolated issue. very frustratioing that i have been strung along like this when the issues is well documented. tech finally called today and told me what was really up and offerd a $30/break for the next six months. service is still costing me way to much for what we are getting. just ran a speed test and have a whopping 0.08 download and 2.2 up. how do i get out of my contract? this is unworkable. my crummy U-verse was beeter than this at 1/3 the cost.
if HugesNet could offer some sort of time frame to correct we would feel better.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Good morning mattboring78,
Welcome to the community and thank you for posting. Please check your private messages in the top right corner of the community page as I've sent you a PM to further address your concerns.
- mikehvac8 years agoFreshman
I have the same problem since October. My download speeds rangefrom 1.13 up to 16.47 in a five minute period with frequent disconnects. I talked to a tech who was very nice but no help. Ihave also emailed with no replies..Looking for some good news soon.
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