Forum Discussion

maratsade's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
8 years ago

Using tokens

SQOTD*:   I haven't used tokens in yonks so I don't remember how they work. I don't plan to be out of data and in need of tokens, but I have saved up 25 GB worth of tokens, and I am just curious ab...
  • maratsade's avatar
    8 years ago

     Thank you for the thorough answers, BirdDog, Gwalk900, GabeU, C0RR0SIVE. And this is why you guys will always be champions, no matter what title the system gives you.


    I haven't run out of data and had to rely on tokens, I think, since I had Gen3, so I had totally forgotten how they worked, and on Gen4 I've never run out of data so as to go to SmartBrowsing -- I thought SmartBrowsing would kick in first and then tokens.  After reading the replies, that of course doesn't make any sense (facepalm!).


    Now I understand the flow, and I'm relieved that tokens are used as needed but if there's a remainder, it stays on the account. I was concerned they would all disappear like the carryover data from Verizon (it only stays on the account for one cycle and then it's gone).


    I "used" all of my tokens in the sense that I moved them all to the tokens bucket.  By deploy, I meant putting them to work, but of course that's automatic when the data runs out. Big duh in hidnsight!!