I modified one of my FAQ replies to include Win10 instructions and a picture, then edited the picture to make it clearer. Apparently Lithium didn't like that and put the entire reply in Spam. Would really appreciate it if someone could un-Spam it...
Hi Mark,
We're not seeing any posts in our spam filter. There is one post from you relating to this for the Usage Meter javascript issue, is that what you are referring to?
That could be what went into moderation. What disappeared was a two part FAQ response. The bottom half was instructions on how to correct the JavaScript error, but it was preceded by another FAQ on top which eludes me at the moment.
Never mind... Found a version on @C0RR0SIVE's site and added it back in.
Good thing he had that for when I screw up.
Great! Liz and I l scoured our filters and found no trace of yours... I suspect it's lost in space.
Likely. Thanks anyway.