Forum Discussion
Gen 5 speeds are slowing down
- 8 years agoAedan,
My HT2000W modem is back up to speed. In the morning during bonus data hours l ran a speed test and it was still slow. I re-enabled the 5.0 Ghz network that I had disabled during all of the testing and troubleshooting and as usual it didn't show up on my computer but did on my phone. So l connected to the 5.0 network on my phone and ran a download speed test of 42Mbps! So l switched back to 2.4 on my phone and ran in the 40s. Went back to my computer on 2.4 network and had a download speed of 43Mbps. So really all that was done was disable 5.0, re enable and connect to 5.0 and switch back to 2.4 . Maybe the upcoming firmware update will help. Thanks to everyone for their help and patience.
Wireless is fickle at best.
The HT2000w is a work in progress at this point and firmware updates to address some wireless issues are in the works.
The Netgear has external antenna, the HT2000w doesn't
The Netgear, being a single device may shield better than the more tightly packed HT2000w
In my opinion the wirelees functions of the HT2000w are not yet ready for Prime-Time.
My advice: Use the best personal router that you can afford that supplies the features you need ... muli-freguency performance, distance/radiation pattern, data tracking ......
You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse and a sow's ear is what the wireless perfomance of the HT2000w is at this point.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
This is a copy/paste of a reply I posted to someone else (I changed the name to higroove in the post) last week, but it will apply to you, too. It's regarding test results that are NOT yours showing up on YOUR Results page...
Though this doesn't really have anything to do with the topic at hand, I figured I'd mention this only for your personal knowledge.
When YOU click Results when signed in at it takes you to the page of YOUR test results. One of the annoying things about this page is that it often contains test results from other people, and that's due to the shared IP addresses by HughesNet. The way to get rid of these so that you only see YOUR tests is by going to the bottom left of the results box and clicking on the option that says "Exclude tests taken on your connection ID that are not logged under higroove." This will get rid of those tests that aren't yours. When others look at your results, though, they only see YOUR tests, and not the others. So, like mentioned, this is just for your own benefit, but it can allay any confusion when it includes tests that weren't run by you.
I just figured I'd mention it as I find the default of having other tests on the same connection ID showing to be annoying as can be.
The box to click on is here....
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