Forum Discussion
NEW email Problem!
I can't imagine you two are the only ones with this issue, and it's good that you are reporting this too. Are you both on the same beam?
They are NOT the only ones, this has been ongoing for the last few weeks. A solution I am trying now is changing my password to conform to what they want now. I have had the same password for years but it did not have a Capitol, Number, or other symbol....we shall see if that makes the problem go away.
- Reid Eichner2 years agoFreshman
Not sure if changing your password would help you but I hope it does. I have had the same password and email from day one but, like you said, it has been ongoing for hte last few weeks.
It seems it goes away for a while but today it is not going away at all.
I hope someone is paying attention at Hughesnet!!
- RobertOder2 years agoJunior
Hi timderry:
If all of us complain frequently enough, maybe they might get tired of us and finally fix the problem. I don't think it's a password issue. My password works just fine eleven months of the year.
- timderry2 years agoFreshman
I am hopeful, will know soon as it has been constant for this last week. Hughes email servers definitely have problems.
- maratsade2 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
The more people report, the better. If it's the password, that'd be an easy solution, but it wouldn't explain why Robert faces the same problem every December.
- maratsade2 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Yes, you're the one who has this situation every December. That surely means something, and I hope they can figure out
whywhat that something is -- those of you who use HN email for business and are experiencing this need a permanent fix. Hopefully someone will get back to you with some answers. - RobertOder2 years agoJunior
Hi Mark:
Why don't you lighten up a bit?
For most people, going to a free email service - as you have recommended - will work just fine. I, however, am in the real estate business, my email is on signs in two counties, and it will cost me more than $30,000.00 to change them all. With that expense in mind, it makes sense to try and fix the email problem first.
The other factor at work here is that whether HughesNet considers this a priority or not, they are obligated by law to provide all of us a working email service because they agreed to do so at the time they entered into written contracts with us. Just because they may feel they have other priorities does not excuse them from it. I enter into contracts with people every day, and I assure you that they are all fully enforceable. If I have to spend that money to go elsewhere, I could successfully sue HughesNet and get that money from them for breach of contract. Rather than pointing that out to them, I'm trying to be patient, cut them some slack, and give them a chance to fix things. In the end, they are obligated to do so. I'm even willing to try and help if I can. I try to not criticize others, because I feel their pain. Right now Im feeling it in my pocketbook. Very badly. We are not doing anything wrong by asking HughesNet to perform as they are obligated to do.
Although @hcicles may not have expressed himself in the most highly diplomatic manner, his facts are sound. I, too, have wasted many an hour with the customer service phone line. I was once talking with a young man who was adamant that HughesNet was a WiFi company. When I mentioned to him that they are in the Satellite Communications business, he did not have a clue what I was talking about.
We should all try to stick together as a community and help each other out. Let's not be so flamingly critical of each other for expressing their authentic pain.
- MarkJFine2 years agoProfessor
Wow... $30k to replace *part* of the signs by pasting some banners over them with new info... Wow.
You'd spend at least that much trying to sue when they have iron-clad arbitration clauses. Despite thinking it was clever to bring it up likely hurt your cause though. Since you said you are in the contracting business, I recommend you actually read the contract fully before making statements that assume too much about what they are and aren't obligated to do, as well as how mediation is handled.
You should also know that these threads are like trouble tickets meant for the original poster, not to be confused with social media rants. People chiming in with comments like hciclos made are highly discouraged here, especially if they have made no attempt to create their own thread/trouble ticket. So, it's nice you feel their pain, but it does nothing to further any help for them, especially when they insult the people they may need to request help from - biting the hand, as it were. There are a lot of people who treat this forum as a place for venting like social media - and they'd be very wrong. This is definitely not the place, no matter how much of their pain you feel.
Look, I gave my advice, and still think there are much better ways for you to move forward from a personal and business perspective, especially considering that the email may go away completely at some point. If what you just stated is what you decide to pursue, then good luck with that.
Now I'll lighten up.
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