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Email filter doesn't work

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Email filter doesn't work

Trying to have emails recived on one Hughes address automatically forwarded to another Hughes address When I send an email from my main address to the forwarding address (both Hughes) it works correctly (email gets forwarded) When the email originates from an outside address it doesn't work Why?



Thank you or posting. Just to clarify, are you saying that when emails come from an outside source to your main Hughes email address, it does not get forwarded properly to the second Hughes email address?  -Damian  

That's correct. I filter on a keyword in Subject to forward to my main mail account. It works when I do it from my main Hughes email, but not from the forum that notifies me via email that I have a new message waiting.



It may be beneficial to re-filter the subject line on the email you are not receiving the forwarded messages to. You would also be able to check if the filter is still accurate. 

I filtered on key words in Body instead of Subject. It doesn't work when the external account sends an email, but it does work when I send the exact same text in an email from my Hughes account. This is ridiculous it's so complicated. Do filters even work with non-Hughes accounts?


So if no one here can help me solve this problem, where can I go to get it solved?

Distinguished Professor IV

You could wait for @Damian to be back online (the reps on this community aren't available 24/7), or you could try the 800 number, or the chat, or social media (HughesNet has a presence on Twitter and Facebook). 

OK thanks. I'll try the chat while I wait for Damian

Chat said they were unable to help. 

Distinguished Professor IV

did you try the 800 number? They may not be able to help either, but it might be worth a shot. 

That's what I intend to do when I get in range of phone service

Distinguished Professor IV

OK, hope that works. 

@InvalidUsername wrote:

That's what I intend to do when I get in range of phone service



The only conclusion I can come to at this point is that Hughes email filtering doesn't work on external accounts. Filtering works if I send an email from one of my Hughes addresses to another of my Hughes addresses, but it doesn't work when an external account sends an email to my Hughes account, I even tried filtering on To: and got the same results. In other words, if an email is received at the filtering account address that contains the email address of that filtering account in the To: field, then forward the email to my main account. Pretty ridiculous.

How are the emails being forwarded? If they are being forwarded as an attachment, no keyword filtering would work because the email would be as an embedded file (which is usually also base64 encoded, not searchable text), not the actual body of the email.


Also, if the provided email system isn't working correctly for you it may be wise to move to an external email system, such as gmail or outlook - as was suggested in various other email-related threads here... just my .02.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.

When I send an email from one Hughes account to the filtering account, it gets forwards back to the email account I sent it from as a forwarded email. I have no idea what it's doing with external accounts because they don't get forwarded. I don't want to use an external email.


I'm trying a couple of other things to see if they solve the problem. One is to use the New Filter option under More in the top bar menu where the filter fields are populated automatically; the second is to set the external email sender as "Always Allow" without being processed for Spam.

It's noble to try and work through a problem like this, but it's also futile to needlessly flog a dead horse thinking it would bring it to life - though you're welcome to try. ISPs just aren't applying resources to solve problems with internally-provided email systems, and most are just making them going away.

Just sayin'

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

Given all that's been said here, it seems that the best way forward is to say goodbye to ISP-provided email accounts. 

Distinguished Professor IV

"I don't want to use an external email."


Read the room. It's been very strongly suggested that you look into a non-ISP provided email account. You may want to listen. 

No, I don't want to listen. I"ve had 3rd party emails before. Don't want them

So what you're saying is:
1. I have a special situation that the current system (or possibly any system) doesn't support, therefore the system is broken.

2. I have been given recommendations by experienced, knowledgeable people. However, those recommendations don't coincide with the specific solution I need to happen, therefore I refuse to listen to it.

3. Based on these discussions, I've been sent an email requesting feedback that I've determined is a joke, because the advice provided doesn't solve my potentially unsolvable problem.


I guess you're on your own.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.

1) No it's not a "special" situation. Email forwarding is simple, basic stuff that has been around forever and works on any functional system, which this one obviously isn't

2) No one has given any advice. I'm the only one troubleshooting.

3) It is a joke when you have a technical support forum that doesn't provide technical support. Waste of time