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Gen 5 speeds are slowing down

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Gen 5 speeds are slowing down

When Gen 5 was first installed in April I was getting download speeds around 40Mbps. Now 3 months later it has slowed to 21 which is slower than the advertised 25. Called tech support and they said that was acceptable because it was still faster than 60 percent of 25 which is 15. As long as it's faster than 15 it is considered ok?! What are the speeds going to be like 2 years from now. Hope it's not going to be like Gen4 all over again. Is anyone else having this problem?

My HT2000W modem is back up to speed. In the morning during bonus data hours l ran a speed test and it was still slow. I re-enabled the 5.0 Ghz network that I had disabled during all of the testing and troubleshooting and as usual it didn't show up on my computer but did on my phone. So l connected to the 5.0 network on my phone and ran a download speed test of 42Mbps! So l switched back to 2.4 on my phone and ran in the 40s. Went back to my computer on 2.4 network and had a download speed of 43Mbps. So really all that was done was disable 5.0, re enable and connect to 5.0 and switch back to 2.4 . Maybe the upcoming firmware update will help. Thanks to everyone for their help and patience.

View solution in original post

Associate Professor

To help the Hughesnet Customer Service Reps get a head start on your speed concerns, you should create a account and perform 3-5 tests during different parts of the day. Then share the account results link with us here.

Please keep in mind that Hughesnet will only accept and the official Hughesnet speed test results. Tests from other sites like are not accepted due to the compression technologies and latency that satellite deploys.

Most important points to remember during this test:
-do the tests while directly connected to the HughesNet modem with a LAN cable (NO third party Router or Wireless devices can be used)
-use the 25MB size download test file ONLY

-If testing upload instead of download, you must use a 4MB size upload test file
-space each test at least 5 minutes apart
-post your results URL here, it may look something like

For a more in depth guide on running the tests, please visit:

The Reps are on M-F from approximately 8AM to 5PM Eastern. They will be the ones to address your speed issues, but they will need these tests to do so.

Thanks for answering my post. I will do what you explained but right now I am out of anytime data and have 11 days left in my data cycle (that is a whole other issue). Thanks again.
Distinguished Professor IV



I don't want to say either way, as I don't know what the reps would do in a situation where the speed isn't terribly low, but if they do want you to do the tests they will probably give you a token or two to cover the data needed for them.  

Honorary Alumnus

Whenever I see slow speeds and accelerated data usage my antenna start to twitch.

I start to think "concurrent connections" at the local level rather than "prime time" congestion.


When I first called the Hughesnet rep they told me to run a few speed tests at different times of the day for 5 days using the Hughesnet speed test so they could see the results. At that time I had anytime data left. It ran a consistent 21Mbps no matter what time of day. That was using the Hughesnet router not directly connected. They said they would contact me after the 5 days but never did. That is when I posted here. Is it really considered acceptable as long as it is faster than 15Mbps. What about the advertised speeds of 25Mbps? My biggest concern is will it continue to get slower. Awful early in the stages of Gen5 for this to be an issue.

Associate Professor

To be honest, while it shouldn't be happening, if you're testing over wifi, then speeds can be impacted drastically due to uncontrollable variables.  Yes, 21Mbps is acceptable, and speeds are advertised as upto 25Mbps, not guaranteed.  After about 4-5Mbps, unless loading a data intensive website, you wouldn't know the difference between 5Mbps and 25Mbps.

Connected to the modem with a LAN cable and had download speeds of 40 Mbps. So l got my old Netgear router back out and had wifi speeds in the 40s. Tried resetting and unplugging the modem and download speed using the Hughesnet router will go no faster than 21Mbps. I would like to keep using the Hughesnet router. It had the same speed as the Netgear in the beginning. Any suggestions?

Hello jc2,


Thanks for posting. I have issued you a free token to run the speed test. Please follow C0RR0SIVE instructions above to complete the tests. 


When you complete the speed test, ensure that you are connected to the 2.4G Network. I would also recommend that you turn off the 5G network and make sure that you are within a decent range (at least a couple feet) from the modem. Also, please be aware of other factors that may interfere with your connection, such as microwaves, cordless phones, and physical objects.


Since you are a Gen5 customer, the minimum download file size is 25 Mbps, and the minimum upload file size is 3 Mbps. Please complete at least three tests, each spaced five minutes apart. Thanks.




Here are my download speed test results using the HT2000W modem/router 2.4GHz positioned a couple feet away. No other devices near or connected to wifi.




Really? Even though 2 of the tests were a 1Mbps and 3Mbps. And the fact that I can use a Netgear router and get speeds of 40. And in the beginning l was getting 40 with either router. That doesn't tell you that something is wrong? Would it help if I posted speeds using the Netgear?
Associate Professor

The random test with those speeds could have been nothing but flukes from god knows what variable since it's going over wireless.

If you want, go ahead and throw up some tests with your netgear, but the fact remains, you are getting acceptable speeds.

Not that it matters, but I ran one speed test with the Netgear router and ran out of data...again. I will run more in the morning during bonus data hours...not that it matters.

Associate Professor


On your device, are you able to determine what your "Link Speed" is being negotiated as?

Also, it's best not to clear your results history on, as engineering will need all results if Aedan escalates your case...  If you want to differentiate from your Netgear Wifi and the HT2000w Wifi, you can select Extra Identifier and select "Wifi" for Hughesnet, and "Location 1" for your Netgear.

Not sure what you mean by what the Link speed is being negotiated as. Link speed with Netgear is 130/65 Mbps. Hughesnet 144/75. Yeah l shouldn't have cleared my result history. I will do what you said about differentiating between the two.

Download speed test results using different routers. Netgear(1) vs HT2000W(wifi)

Honorary Alumnus


The purpose of a speed test is to measure a user's baseline system performance under a controlled set of conditions and to compare that baseline performance to that of other users.

Those conditions are to run the tests with a single computer directly connected via Ethernet cable while having a single browser open to

Running the test while connected via wireless introduces to many variables that fall outside the purpose of running speed tests: To determine and document baseline system performance levels.


As to the Hughes HT2000w Modem/Router/WiFi "combo-unit" .....

Hughes has been making Modems with rudimentary "router" functions ... for years. The HT2000w is the first however to offer wireless function so some bugs are to be expected.


Beyond that ... not all routers are created equal, not all router wireless functions are created equal.

I would consider the router and wireless functions of the HT2000w to be very "basic".


The built-in WiFi capacity offers a degree of convenience to the less experienced user but at the cost of performance and enhanced function and features.


I can think of a number of reasons not to use the router/radio portion of the HT2000w

A router is a "tool" and as the old saying goes: "Use the best tool for the job at hand."


There is no way that I would give up the performance and feature set of my Asus RT-AC3100 in favor of the "plain vanilla" HT2000w router/WiFi.


Don't like the router/WiFi performance of the Modems internal functions? Then don't use it .... add your own router that meets your needs.







My point is that 3 months ago I was getting the same fast speeds out of the HT2000W as with the Netgear. So l know it's capable. What happened? I can go back to using the Netgear but was hoping to get the HT2000W back up to speed.
Honorary Alumnus

Wireless is fickle at best.

The HT2000w is a work in progress at this point and firmware updates to address some wireless issues are in the works.

The Netgear has external antenna, the HT2000w doesn't

The Netgear, being a single device may shield better than the more tightly packed HT2000w


In my opinion the wirelees functions of the HT2000w are not yet ready for Prime-Time.

My advice: Use the best personal router that you can afford that supplies the features you need ... muli-freguency performance, distance/radiation pattern, data tracking ......


You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse and a sow's ear is what the wireless perfomance of the HT2000w is at this point.





Well I guess that's as good of an answer as I'm going to get.