Forum Discussion
Need assistance to make service last
Can I get help from someone to figure out why I’m constantly running through my data? I have tried customer service, I’ve increased my data plan, adjusted what is connected and still blow through my data! (100GB) I’m so frustrated with HughesNet and need assistance! Please
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
You need to track down what's using your data yourself -- you can see some of that under the Usage drop down menu on this site.
Go to Usage -- Usage Details -- Usage (again) -- Connected devices
That will show you what your connected devices are and what they've used in the last 24 hours.
You can also install the free app Glasswire to check what's using your data.
With 100 GB a month, you can use an average of 3.22 GB a day - more than that average and you will run through your allowance fast. There are many things that eat data such as streaming, automatic updates, connected TVs, etc. All that is on your side and you need to do the investigating yourself.
- MicDreksNew Poster
It doesn’t give the option to see what devices are using data on that tab for some reason- just an overview.
I will try Glasswire. I keep the fire stick unplugged unless I “try” to watch TV and turn my desktop off at the end of the day to save data. The only thing I have connected all the time is my iPhone because I have no cell service and Wi-Fi calling is the only way for me to call out.
Any other suggestions?
Do you recommend un plugging my modem if I’m away from home for an extended period of time to save data?- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
"It doesn’t give the option to see what devices are using data on that tab for some reason- just an overview."
You have to click Usage twice.
Click Usage. Then select Usage Details.
When you land on the Usage Details page, click Usage again. Then you will see the Connected Devices link. Click on that to see what's connected.
If you follow this and don't see the Connected Devices link, please post screenshots of what you see.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
Thanks, MicDreks!
When on that page, keep scrolling. You will see a section titled All Device Usage Last 24 Hours. That shows usage per device in the last 24 hours. Under that there's a button labeled See All Connected Devices. Click that button. That will take you to a section where you will see all the devices currently connected to your network and how much data they have each used in the last 24 hours.
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