Forum Discussion
Unable to download Win 10 Updates from Microsoft
- 8 years ago
Well, here's the bad and the good. After another long session with tech support, the guy finally admitted (can you believe it?) that they don't know why Gen4 won't download Win10 updates and they have no idea how to fix it!! So after all is said and done, based on the fact that several of you on this board have upgraded to Gen5 to solve the problem, I decided to bite the bullet and try it also.
Great News- now it works like it should- a 350Mb windows cumulative update file from the microsoft catalogue downloads in less than a minute. Now bear in mind, the only thing the upgrade installer had to do was point the dish at the new satellite and activate it. I already had the HT2000 modem from previous attempt to make Gen4 work. The only thing that changed in my whole system was the new satellite. So the problem undoubtably lies somewhere with the old Sat--ES17. And either they don't have enough customers complaining or they really can't fix it.
I really appreciate those of you responding to my post and hope all this can help someone else. I feel sure there are other users that are not aware they have the problem. As for the upgrade itself, the new system really is much better and well worth the small increase in price.
There have been some on here who have had the same problem, like Ricky above, and I'm sure there are some out there who are experiencing the same thing that haven't come to these boards.
In my case, yes, upgrading to Gen5 has solved the problem completely. I was having the problem on both a desktop and laptop that have Windows 10. I also have a Windows 8.1 notebook that had the same problem, and upgrading to Gen5 fixed the incredibly slow updates for that, too.
I really don't care to upgrade to Gen5 as a solution-no guarantee from hughes that it will work. Only a few seem to have this problem so not high on their fix list.
I called Hughes tech support and they couldn't even understand what the problem was, if the modem reports normal there can't be a problem, right? Finally got them to refer me to Home Tech Support at a cost of $100 to me. We spent approx. 6hrs. on the phone. They logged on to my computer remotely and proceeded to check everything. They were very professional and very courteous. But after all that, they came to the same conclusion- my HughsNet would not download Win10 updates-they could not make it work. We all agreed the next thing to try was to replace the modem. Yesterday they sent a installer to replace the modem with the newer HT2000. This did not fix the problem. All system indicators on the modem are normal, but it still won't download a windows update.
So after all this, I have spent $162.50 ($100 for Home Tech and $62.50 for installer) and I still have a system that won't update windows. I do have the newer modem but still on Gen4 system. Bottom line, this has got to be a problem with Hughes system and engineering needs to fix it. A internet service that won't update windows 10 in this malware infested internet age makes the system practically useless. If this is not corrected very soon I will be cancelling my service. I can't believe that only a very few of us are having this problem.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Unfortunately, I have a feeling that it may be something that the engineers can't fix, especially if it's a result of the aforementioned. The congestion may reduce after enough people move to Gen5 and the ES19, but there's no guarantee that it will make enough of a difference. And, of course, the latency will always remain. It's possible that your beam just has a LOT of congestion and it is causing large problems with sensitive servers.
When you run a speed test at, what does the result graph look like?
I hope that you can eventually find relief from the problem, no matter what's causing it.
- HDD8 years agoSophomore
Hi hollidayjr,
You are not the only one having the problem and I'm also surprised more Win 10 users aren't posting. We have a Gen 4 HN9000 and can eventually get the Win 10 updates downloaded but they take hours no matter what time of day or night. The other problem I have not seen mentioned yet is that a Win 10 update listed in the Windows update catalog as using 1049 mb takes me from three to five gb on all of those size updates this year. I have our win 10 laptop stripped down of everything possible to only use for banking, don't share the updates, and installed Glasswire after reading different threads on this board. Glasswire and the Hughesnet meter match up on usage and it is all going to microsoft. I noticed on the Glasswire graph that my downloads spike up and then drop down to almost nothing for periods of time and then spike back up - similar to another thread recently posted by Gabe using the Speed Test showing the difference between Gen 4&5.
I do not have the same problem with Apple updates on the usage matching up and I can get the Apple updates downloaded pretty quickly (even during bonus time) unless they get dropped off about half way through. When I called Hughesnet support they suggested upgrading to Gen 5 for the faster download speeds, which makes sense. I have been waiting to see how Gabe faired with his Gen 5 upgrade and Win 10 updates and am glad to see his post and Ricky's.
A special shout out and thanks to Gabe for all his time and work he shares on the board. This all takes so much time.
Hollidayjr, I'm not sure what other service you will be able to find that will work better for you. You and Gabe have done all you can for the Win 10 problem on Gen 4 and I feel your pain with money and time lost! But now you've also contributed to the knowledge base on the board which I thank you for, and maybe someone will be able to come up with a fix or we will need to bite the bullet, hope for the best and upgrade to Gen 5. Converting my laptop from Microsoft to Linux is also next on my list.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Thanks for the compliment.
As for Linux, I can tell you that it definitely does work with the service, and it works very well. I have it on this desktop on a separate HDD as a secondary OS, and on a much older desktop as a primary OS. The latter because I don't feel like spending money on Windows for a computer I hardly ever use.
I like Linux Mint, but that's just me. For someone having issues with Windows with Hughesnet, though, that might be the best way to go for the time being, unfortunately.
That Windows update problem with Gen4 was AWFUL. It evidently doesn't happen for most people, but for us unlucky few, it's really a pain. I had an update for my Windows 10 laptop months back that took over 24 hours, and it was about 700MB. It was absolutely ridiculous. My Windows 10 laptop, which is my main computer, and my seldom used windows 8.1 notebook weren't faring any better.
Moving to Gen5 rectified the problem on all of them, but, of course, that's never a guarantee that it will do the same for everybody. I really hope that the problem hollidayjr is experiencing rectifies or something else is figured out. If congestion is the main culprit, hopefully it will improve soon.
It sure would be nice if another site hosted their updates, as I have a feeling it would work as their servers wouldn't be as picky. Nobody else's are.
- hollidayjr8 years agoFreshman
Well, here's the bad and the good. After another long session with tech support, the guy finally admitted (can you believe it?) that they don't know why Gen4 won't download Win10 updates and they have no idea how to fix it!! So after all is said and done, based on the fact that several of you on this board have upgraded to Gen5 to solve the problem, I decided to bite the bullet and try it also.
Great News- now it works like it should- a 350Mb windows cumulative update file from the microsoft catalogue downloads in less than a minute. Now bear in mind, the only thing the upgrade installer had to do was point the dish at the new satellite and activate it. I already had the HT2000 modem from previous attempt to make Gen4 work. The only thing that changed in my whole system was the new satellite. So the problem undoubtably lies somewhere with the old Sat--ES17. And either they don't have enough customers complaining or they really can't fix it.
I really appreciate those of you responding to my post and hope all this can help someone else. I feel sure there are other users that are not aware they have the problem. As for the upgrade itself, the new system really is much better and well worth the small increase in price.
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