Forum Discussion
Who can be contacted to fix a problem?
This comany has some real serious issues. Especially in the Customer Service area.
This company could care less about it's customers.
It seems Liz is the only one that has any ability to do anything, and she just isn't enough people to go around.
How can I call where to fix my problems? The idiots in the farmed out call centers have the ability to do little of nothing other than pass you off to someone else, until they get tired of not being able to help you, then pass you to another.
Yes, I am making a lot of posts no, BECAUSE I AM FRUSTRATED and MAD!!! You can only be asked to be patient for so long. a WEEK is WAY too long....
This company does not care, so they won't answer my posts, nor will they fix my problems. and the problems really aren't mine, they are induced by this do nothing company...
I have a case number. I was never called back on it, so I came here.. Now Liz only gets back to me once a day or so.. What kid of way to do busines is this?????
WHO CAN I CALL!?!?! Why does this company not have a REAL customer service department??????
For those that are not getting satisfaction here, or with their thrid world call centers, call the corporate office in Germantown MD. They will place you with "Execuitive Customer Service"... where they seem to be able to fix problems....
I spent 10 minutes on the phone there, and my issue was fixed. Wished I would have thought of calling CORP a long time ago.. Not only would my head feel better from beating it against a wall, but Hughes wouldn't have wasted hours and hours of their time, eating up their profits...
This company has a lot to learn...
- jlantzJunior
For those that are not getting satisfaction here, or with their thrid world call centers, call the corporate office in Germantown MD. They will place you with "Execuitive Customer Service"... where they seem to be able to fix problems....
I spent 10 minutes on the phone there, and my issue was fixed. Wished I would have thought of calling CORP a long time ago.. Not only would my head feel better from beating it against a wall, but Hughes wouldn't have wasted hours and hours of their time, eating up their profits...
This company has a lot to learn...
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
Strangely, ECC is one of the groups that monitor this community. It's not suggested to contact ECC directly unless Hughes already has an ongoing case with you, or they have contacted you previously. Just calling that number can end up causing ECC to not respond by phone if people start flooding that number.
- jlantzJunior
If Hughes didn't want people to contact ECC, then maybe they should have a customer service department in place that fixes customers problems the first time, instead of passing a customer from agent to agent who none have the ability to actually fix any customers problems.
I've spent hour after hour on the phone trying to get my problem fixed, so finally thought to call Corporate, got connected to ECC, who spent 10 minutes on the phone with me and solved the issue.
I spent 4 days bouncing around with this forum, and two days on the phone with the toll free number. For multi-billion dollar company, that is an unacceptable way to run your customer service. I had a case number, and was told I would be called back in 2-3 days... You guessed it, I was NEVER called back... POOR SERVICE!!!
If Hughes wanted to solve problems, they would forward a customer to ECC, instead of pushing off problems, and hoping the customer wil go away, and take days or weeks to solve a simple issue.
Talk about wasted profits... I wasted 5 different agents time, Liz's time, and my time.. then it took a simple 10 minute phone call to clear it all up...
Now you tell me, what is the more profitable and proper way to treat a customer, a) make them spend hours on the phone with third world call centers that can solve almost nothing, other than a new order, or b) give them an "execuitive" who can easily solve problems the first time in a very short period of time...
Which makes more financial sense... especially when you lose so many customers over poor customer service. And if you don't believe Hughes does lose a lot of customers over poor customer service, then you should go search the web for a few seconds to find all the horror stories of poor Hughesnet service... that still continue...
Maybe if enough people start calling CORP Headquarters to try and get their long standing problems resolved, then maybe Hughes might get the message and put a REAL "Customer Care" department in place...
- MoodeebSophomore
I'm a 3 day old customer.
I have to admit, their tech is top notch, however, unfortunately, so far, I have to agree with you on their customer service.
Do you have the number to their executive customer service? I'm getting no where with the standard line.
I've been out of internet since I started because I burnt through my data, relying on the promised "relaxed bandwidth" they told me I would get for 20 days.
This is rediculous and it just takes a quick google search to see that thsi company has 1-star service. :(
Where I live, I don't have many options. And I want this to work out, but it's only been 3 days and I'm already frustrated as heck.
- jlantzJunior
LOL.. Yeah. Well. . I can't see any way they could care less, because Hughes doesn't know how to care...
I guess a better way to have said it would have been Hughes doesn't give a rat's rear about any of their customers issues...
If Hughes would re-work their customer support system, get rid of the majority of their off shore call centers, and treat customers like they appreciate them, they could probably sell more services to their current customers, AND keep more of the current ones..
BUT, I guess when you jam pack your network so full of customers you can't support, then I guess it doesn't hurt to lose a bunch of them... Boy what a black eye this company has all over the web... It's very hard to find nice positive posts or articles about Hughes, but you sure can find just about eery single upset customer complaint, post, or story, or even legal action without having to look hard.
Just goes to show how out of touch the executives of Hughs are.... If they had any clue of the disdain of their customer base, they would be scrambling to fix their image... I can't imagine any CEO who would be happy with the poor reputation Hughes has.
- MoodeebSophomore
Preach it brother.
I'm glad to see i'm not the only one suffering here. Misery loves company.
I just hope, that even if I'm going to be stuck with Hughesnet, that I can help customers by telling them ahead of time what they are getting into.Until Hughesnet can provide customer service, this company is broken.
- Gwalk900Honorary Alumnus
"Maybe if enough people start calling CORP Headquarters to try and get their long standing problems resolved ......."
Well, lets think this one through.
All things Computers and all things Network work related have a high number of consumer support calls ... it's just the nature of the beast. The calls can be from consumers that are "unable to find the Any key" right up to a massive system failure and every point between those two extremes.
Support levels are tiered ... for a reason. A user simply doesn't need access to a Network Engineer to diagnose a failing radio or power supply.
The further up the "knowledge chain" you go, the fewer employees you will find at that level. This same principle applies to the corporate level ECC employees. Your suggestion that everyone that has the slightest issue should call "Corporate" would very soon saturate the top level ECC employees .. those types of calls that should have been addressed at a much lower level.
I do understand the frustration involved in calling phone support and this Community Forum in the past was a method to post of your problem, perhaps getting work-arounds from longtime users such as myself and a few other longtime users during off-hours and weekends and collecting information that the Mods (also corporate level employees) can use to fast-track your issues to the highest levels of the various departments.
Should there be better follow-up at each level? You bet!
Can everyone call the few top level corporate employees and have it work? Not hardly.
The above is just my view as a long term Hughes user that is reasonably experienced in computer hardware, operating systems and Networking.
Troubleshooting is a process of Divide & Conquer and you have to start somewhere ... you have to ask "leading" questions so as to close off some avenues as "does not apply" and focus on others.
- krgNew Member
The problem is that there now seems to be no-one answering the 866-347-3292 number which claims on the support page to be the way to " Reach a live care representative by telephone 24 hours a day 7 days a week". I have tried all day, and no matter what selections I make, the phone rings a couple of time and then disconnects at their end. Instead of putting me on hold or in a line, their system simply hangs up on me, every time, all day long.
And, when I try to use the chat link on the support page, instead I am told I just sent an email which may be answered in the next 24 hours. Yet on the Support page chat is described thus: " Connect instantly with one of our knowledgeable care representatives."
It would be much better to simply say "you can't talk to anyone on the phone and you can't chat with us but here's a way to send us an email" No wonder people try the corporate number. As far as I can see from all my wasted effort today, there may be no other good alternative that doesn't eat up a lot of time.
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