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Cannot connect to email on my desktop (iMac running OS Sonoma 14.5). I have already read the others report of this issue today and followed tech support suggestions on those reports. Still not connecting.


I have been in contact with support via chat. They confirmed the issue is on their end and there is an outage. They are working on it.

View solution in original post

Distinguished Professor IV

Could you expand on what you did to troubleshoot? 

Totally disconnected the wifi modem from computer, power, and antenna. No other devices use the wifi other than my desktop. Let modem rest for several minutes, and reconnected. From within my Mail program, I ran the repair with no success.

Distinguished Professor IV

Turn off the modem and also the desktop. Wait a few minutes, turn on the modem and let it fully come on, and then turn on the computer. See if that works. 


Also, does email work if you connect to the modem with an Ethernet cable?

I have done all that 2x now.  I also want to add that I cannot access my email from within my account on the website. I have tried 2x to attached the screenshots of the error messages I get, but for some reason they are not be accepted attached to this comment.

Distinguished Professor IV

This all definitely sounds like something on your side is blocking you from accessing email. It could be add-ons, it could be something else related to the way your browser(s) and system are set up.  It's unlikely the reps on this site can help you with this, but you may want to wait until they see your posts next week and get involved. 


I lost mine too....

This has happened many times in the past....

This is a server issue....

You just have to wait for them to fix it...

Distinguished Professor IV

"This is a server issue"


Not necessarily.  Similar sounding problems often have different causes. 


If you're currently having issues accessing your email, go to the main Tech Support page and start a new thread, posting details about your particular issue. 

I have been in contact with support via chat. They confirmed the issue is on their end and there is an outage. They are working on it.

It would be nice if they would post SOMETHING ON THEIR WEBSITE ABOUT AN EMAIL OUTAGE!!!! Oh wait, I forgot of whom I was expecting this.

Distinguished Professor IV

This is the place where they'd post. The reps on this site work M-F, so they're not here today to post the email outage. It'd be very nice if there were a site/page that keeps track of system issues, but unfortunately, there isn't. 

Distinguished Professor IV

@Chardt ,  It's working for me now. 

Distinguished Professor IV

@maratsade wrote:

@Chardt ,  It's working for me now. 

I wonder if it affected only specific gateways. Mine was still working. 

Distinguished Professor IV

That's possible. I tried the email link here in the community, and earlier it was redirecting to the Zimbra login, but now it goes through. 

Partially working for me at 8:04 pm CT. I can receive email on my computer, but sending isn't working. And the myMail login on the website is still giving me the Zimbra login that doesn't work. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Lost day of work for me with all of this.



Thank you for reaching out! It seems these are your first posts here. Welcome to the Community! Are you still experiencing these email issues?




Last night somewhere around 8 to 10 PM the email became fully operational.... 

Although, this was the longest email outage I've ever experienced....

Perhaps due to the new Jupiter satellite...just a wild guess...

Rule of thumb...If your internet or email goes down for no apparent reason, don't mess with your sytem....just wait because 99% it's them not you...

Hi Remy,

Thank you for the Welcome and follow-up. Everything seems to be working fine now.

I've been on Hughes Sat for 13 years....

Anytime the "Zimbra" login shows instead of the HughesNet email login, it's them.

This has proven 100%....has never been an issue on my equipment when the Zimbra login shows up...

And the other key indicator: Dozens of tech support emails about email down....(as Homer Simpson would say: D'oh..!!)

You'll also notice the Zimbra will also fail to log-in...

In any case, it can be minutes to hours.....the Jupiter satellite may pose new issues (the learning curve)..I hope not.

Agree...a notice from Hughes would be appropriate....if possible..

Distinguished Professor IV

Old timer here too...probably over 15 or 16 years now. I don't use the HN email, so I don't know when it's down unless someone posts here. Agree with you that notices would be appropriate, and also helpful to those who are pulling their hair out trying to figure out what's going on.  You're right about the Zimbra login dialog, though! LOL.  That's an excellent indication things have gone pear-shaped. 

I have been in contact with support via chat. They confirmed there is an outage that is affecting us not being able to access email. Their engineers are working on it.  So hang tight 😉