Forum Discussion
NEW email Problem!
Hi MarkJFine:
I worked many years for Hughes building spacecraft and ground systems, and I respectfully disagree with your analysis. The problem usually starts in mid December, and stops shortly after New Years. Winter weather goes much longer than that. It is much more like that there is a key component that needs monitoring/tweaking, and the person responsible for it goes on Christmas vacation.
Furthermore, the simple fact that the sysops/tech people refuse to jump in on this conversation, despite their having being invited to do so repeatedly, makes it appear that they have abandoned us.
We are paying through the nose for a service that includes email, and they should provide it. I have already stated why moving to another Emil is not so easy for some of us. I don't believe it is a latency issue, because I can't access the server via fiber optic land based lines either.
Come on, sysops: jump in here, tell us what's wrong and what you are going to do about it. You would establish credibility if you did.
Thank you for feedback. I understand this has been a long standing issue. With that said, I appreciate the information provided so far in response to my question. RobertOder I did not see your response, please be sure to provide the results for my previous question. This is one of our most critical questions we start with when troubleshooting email problems.
I should outright make clear there is no 'sysops/tech' to hop on here. We can escalate to our email vendor as we gather information about the problem to help facilicate a solution or get a better understanding of how to troubleshoot the issue. Generally we can do this a bit faster than a call center agent since we are in the corporate office and can directly communicate with the email vendor.
- armadillocj2 years agoFreshman
I also cannot send emails. I did get a reply that said to see outlook. I don't use outlook so I do not know what this means. The reply also stated these was a permanent response and to let hughesnet know they are on a block list. They attach a link to send but I don't know how to reach y'all by email. I took a screen shot but can't attach it here. Thanks
- Amanda2 years agoModerator
Hi armadillocj,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Since you do not use outlook, what are you using? Can you try to send the screenshot file to me via private message?
- armadillocj2 years agoFreshman
I mainly use email on my android. I just choose my email that is y'all. When on my laptop I log in to my hughesnet account.
- RobertOder2 years agoJunior
Hi Amanda:
When I logged into the webmail page yesterday all I got was gibberish. It looked like two screens superimposed over each other. It was useless. Today, when I logged in I was at the inbox.
I have looked and looked for your previous question, and I can not find it. Please repeat your question and Ill do my best to answer it.
I believe the problem is in the software module that authenticates logins from third party clients (Outlook, Mac Mail, iPad, etc.).
So that you understand my concern: If it were easy and cheap for us to migrate to another email service, I would have already done so. The problem I have is we are in the real estate business, and this email is on a lot of expensive signs. For me to switch over to another email service would cost tens of thousands of dollars. I do feel that you have an obligation to provide working email, and that is all I'm asking you to do. I also have a background in Engineering, at Hughes, and if I can help in any way, I am willing to do so. Although I have been flamed on this forum, I'm not here to flame others, and I will not do so.
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