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It's not a great picture, but...

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Distinguished Professor IV

It's not a great picture, but...

I was able to catch these beauties in the side yard earlier this evening.  There were four more to the right of the area in the picture, and a slew of them in the woods, as well.  One day, a few years back, I had over a dozen of them on my lawn, with six of them being in the front.  One was so close to the house I could have reached out the window and nearly touched it.  🙂  There are perks to living in the country.  



Distinguished Professor IV

That's a great photo, @GabeU.  One of the things I like about living in a rural area is all the animals I can see on the property.  Having been a city dweller all my life, this is quite a treat.

I grew up in Queens and Central NJ and swore I'd only raise kids in a rural area. Except for the technology drain, I love days like this (very common here):


And I have no idea why that went sideways.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.

This thread highlights what most of this community have in common, living in a rural area, it's true there are many things we don't have or can't access but sometimes sitting in your yard watching the wildlife compensates for not living in the city. The quality of the pictures is not important it's the memories of what you saw last year or the year before, my wifes yearly project is feeding the 30 to 50 "hummers" that visit every year, the memory that pops up on her Facebook page is usually a reminder to her that it's time to put out the feeders. I enjoyed looking at the two pics you guys posted and I would like to add my own.



@Jeff_T- Indeed.

Anyone want to even guess what this critter is? Some kind of wild turkey maybe?


* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Assistant Professor

Mark, hard to tell from the pic but looks like some kind of big hawk or even falcon to me.


Very well could be a falcon in the wild.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV



That's definitely a hawk or falcon.  Without seeing its wingspan it's hard to tell which.  I'm leaning toward a hawk, but again, it's hard to tell.  Still a nice pic!  

Distinguished Professor IV

A chicken? A cow? (JK, looks like some kind of hawk)


@MarkJFine wrote:

@Jeff_T- Indeed.

Anyone want to even guess what this critter is? Some kind of wild turkey maybe?



Distinguished Professor IV

@Jeff_T, wonderful photos!




The only pic I have is the ubiquitous squirell.

Distinguished Professor IV

I have lots of grey squirrels, and also scads of rabbits. It's quite wonderful to see all of these creatures. 



@alfresco wrote:



The only pic I have is the ubiquitous squirell.


Distinguished Professor IV

Go Harley! 

Distinguished Professor IV

And we can't forget Corrosive's favorite of my occasional visitors!  😛 




And now I'm dealing with these....GRRRRRR!  Little buggers bite, too!  



We usually get a rash of ladybugs Aug-Dec during an Indian Summer when it hits around 70. Never this late... early?

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

@MarkJFine wrote:

We usually get a rash of ladybugs Aug-Dec during an Indian Summer when it hits around 70. Never this late... early?

We have quite a problem with these around here.  They make nests in your home and if you don't catch them right away they get out of hand.  These are Japanese lady bugs, too, which are an invasive species.  I hate them. 


Oh, and they apparently woke up during that stretch of warmer weather we had a few weeks ago.  Did I say I hate them?  If not, I hate them.  😛  

Ladybugs don't bother me.

Stinkbugs bother me. They're creepy. sneaky, and attack at any moment.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

I get stinkbugs once in a while, too.  Usually I just pick them up and throw them out the window or door.  


Those darn lady bugs, though.  I'll be sitting there and all of a sudden my arm will start stinging, only to look down and see one of those buggers biting me.  It's more annoying than painful, but annoying enough.  It's only happened three or four times over the years, but it was enough for me to develop a deep seated hatred for them.  And once a year they swarm.  If I dare to venture outside on the day they do so my house will be covered with hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands, and it's impossible to walk ten feet without having a dozen of them on you.  


They give the good, cute ladybugs a bad name.  

Distinguished Professor IV

"Those darn lady bugs, though.  I'll be sitting there and all of a sudden my arm will start stinging, only to look down and see one of those buggers biting me."


@GabeU, so how do you feel about ladybirds, then? LOL


I have never been bitten by one unless I pick it up. 

Love learning new anglicisms. Have to remember this one.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

@MarkJFine wrote:

Love learning new anglicisms. Have to remember this one.

There's a rhyme you're supposed to recite to get the ladybird to go (maybe @GabeU could test to see if it works):


Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,Your house is on fire and your children shall burn!