Forum Discussion
Connection Problems- Only with AOL
- 6 years ago
One other thing is that, if you'd like to schedule the file downloads, but you don't like the idea of leaving your PC on (I don't), or messing with trying to schedule the downloads to your PC, you can schedule the file download(s) to your Android or IOS device using the PlayOn Cloud app, then copy the files to your PC.
BTW, don't forget to change the resolution on the app if you want it to be better than standard. I'm fine with standard, which is DVD quality, but some people want it to be better, regardless of the increased file size for the program/movie. I believe 720p is the maximum resolution, but that's still very good.
If you try it and you like it, please let us know. I'm still deciding whether to get it, though I probably will. It's cheap, and lets you easily take advantage of the Bonus Zone data, and even those twenty days of data resets with your upgrade (make sure first, though, of course). :)
bos2420 wrote:Mark,
That address will not connect. Where am I trying to go? Router, or modem?
It connects to the settings of the HughesNet modem. Specifically, the setting for whether the modem is using HughesNet's DNS (Obtain from ISP) or a 3rd party DNS. If you can sign in (password is admin), but it takes you to the main page, the part you want to go to is under Advanced Setup > DNS.
Are you still directly connected to the HughesNet modem (no router) with a LAN cable? If not, it should be tried that way.
Sorry, MarkJFine . Not trying to step on your toes.
Ok, I think I see the direction we want to go, just don't know how to get there. That link does not connect. takes me to the system control panel. I assume we don't want to go there?
- bos24206 years agoJunior
I think (maybe) I messed up what my equipment is. I thought we were Gen 5. This is an HN9000 modem.
- bos24206 years agoJunior
YUP. NOT Gen 5
- bos24206 years agoJunior
That was very stupid of me, gentlemen. Sorry for sending you down the wrong road.
- GabeU6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
bos2420 wrote:YUP. NOT Gen 5
Coincidentally enough, I was just getting ready to edit my prior post to ask you to make sure it's Gen5 and the HT2000W that you have, as it seemed strange that the link Mark gave wouldn't work, and the only reason I could think of as to why it woudn't work was if it wasn't a HT2000W modem.
I'm not at all familiar with the HN9000 modem, but I don't think it has a DNS configurable section, so it should be automatically using HughesNet's DNS.
At this point, I'm at a loss. I still think it's a DNS issue, but I'm not very versed in this type of issue, so I don't really know much more of what to try. Hopefully others will, and hopefully a rep will reply with an idea, or to check to make sure everything is okay with your equipment.
One thing you can try, which sometimes works for me when I'm having website issues (especially with Amazon), is to flush your computer's DNS cache, though shutting down the computer should do the same. Still, it may be worth a try. Close all of your open browser windows and then open your Command Prompt. Type "ipconfig /flushdns", without the quotes, then hit enter. And there IS a space in between the g and forward slash. After you get the confirmation of the flush completing, close the command prompt, open a web page and try one of the pages you're having an issue with. Again, I don't know if this will work, but it may.
- GabeU6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
bos2420 wrote:That was very stupid of me, gentlemen. Sorry for sending you down the wrong road.
No biggie. We all forget things sometimes. Two days in a row last week I forgot to put my mug in my Keurig before hitting the brew button. Let's just say I had an awful mess, and again, two days in a row. :p
- bos24206 years agoJunior
GabeU wrote:
bos2420 wrote:That was very stupid of me, gentlemen. Sorry for sending you down the wrong road.
No biggie. We all forget things sometimes. Two days in a row last week I forgot to put my mug in my Keurig before hitting the brew button. Let's just say I had an awful mess, and again, two days in a row. :p
I own a small coffee hut here in MT. Sometimes I forget to put the shot glasses under the portafilter to catch the espresso. So, I get that.
I 'think' I wanted Gen5 when we upgraded a few years ago, but it was not available in our Zip Code then. (It just came out) I have been with Hughes for 15 years, we have no cable. Heck, we still have copper phone lines. The last modem went bad, and I had a router go bad also. That is why I was thinking router.
If anyone has any other ideas, I am open to listen. At this point, I think I will upgrade to Gen 5. Would be nice if I didn't have to pay for the install, but we will see.
- MarkJFine6 years agoProfessor
Hmm, ok guys... I got distracted. Guess we determined there's no built-in wifi, but if there is a separate wifi-capable router, it should have similar settings. What we were trying to do was to ensure that the router (and really all of the devices using the router) were set for an 'automatic' DNS. If not, perhaps changing them to automatic might fix the problem. If it doesn't fix the problem, then it's an upstream thing, and good luck with that.
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