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Gen 5 speeds are slowing down

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Gen 5 speeds are slowing down

When Gen 5 was first installed in April I was getting download speeds around 40Mbps. Now 3 months later it has slowed to 21 which is slower than the advertised 25. Called tech support and they said that was acceptable because it was still faster than 60 percent of 25 which is 15. As long as it's faster than 15 it is considered ok?! What are the speeds going to be like 2 years from now. Hope it's not going to be like Gen4 all over again. Is anyone else having this problem?

My HT2000W modem is back up to speed. In the morning during bonus data hours l ran a speed test and it was still slow. I re-enabled the 5.0 Ghz network that I had disabled during all of the testing and troubleshooting and as usual it didn't show up on my computer but did on my phone. So l connected to the 5.0 network on my phone and ran a download speed test of 42Mbps! So l switched back to 2.4 on my phone and ran in the 40s. Went back to my computer on 2.4 network and had a download speed of 43Mbps. So really all that was done was disable 5.0, re enable and connect to 5.0 and switch back to 2.4 . Maybe the upcoming firmware update will help. Thanks to everyone for their help and patience.

View solution in original post

Distinguished Professor IV



This is a copy/paste of a reply I posted to someone else (I changed the name to higroove in the post) last week, but it will apply to you, too.  It's regarding test results that are NOT yours showing up on YOUR Results page...  



Though this doesn't really have anything to do with the topic at hand, I figured I'd mention this only for your personal knowledge.  


When YOU click Results when signed in at it takes you to the page of YOUR test results.  One of the annoying things about this page is that it often contains test results from other people, and that's due to the shared IP addresses by HughesNet.  The way to get rid of these so that you only see YOUR tests is by going to the bottom left of the results box and clicking on the option that says "Exclude tests taken on your connection ID that are not logged under higroove."  This will get rid of those tests that aren't yours.  When others look at your results, though, they only see YOUR tests, and not the others.  So, like mentioned, this is just for your own benefit, but it can allay any confusion when it includes tests that weren't run by you.    


I just figured I'd mention it as I find the default of having other tests on the same connection ID showing to be annoying as can be.  


The box to click on is here....



Assistant Professor

@Gwalk900 wrote:

Wireless is fickle at best.

The HT2000w is a work in progress at this point and firmware updates to address some wireless issues are in the works.

The Netgear has external antenna, the HT2000w doesn't

The Netgear, being a single device may shield better than the more tightly packed HT2000w


In my opinion the wirelees functions of the HT2000w are not yet ready for Prime-Time.

My advice: Use the best personal router that you can afford that supplies the features you need ... muli-freguency performance, distance/radiation pattern, data tracking ......


You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse and a sow's ear is what the wireless perfomance of the HT2000w is at this point.





Amen. I like my own router with regular firmware updates that I have control over. And both my bands work perfectly. I'm still a fan of 5 GHz BTW, if nothing else for keeping things compartmentalised. It reaches out fine in my modest sized home.

Distinguished Professor IV

@BirdDog wrote:


Amen. I like my own router with regular firmware updates that I have control over. And both my bands work perfectly. I'm still a fan of 5 GHz BTW, if nothing else for keeping things compartmentalised. It reaches out fine in my modest sized home.

I normally only use the HT2000W's WiFi when I connect my laptop or notebook, and that's normally only to keep them up to date.  It's also always within five feet of the modem when I do so.  But, if I used WiFi on a regular basis, I would almost assuredly use my own router, which I know works very well and has always given me the same speed as a LAN connection.  

Assistant Professor

And my router has 3 external antennae which are definitely better than a single internal antenna that I assume the 2000 has. Would bet the transmit power is quite a bit higher on my personal router also.


Anyone have the actual specs on the wireless side of the HT2000W like transmit power, receive sensitivity, signal db diagram, etc.?

GabeU I'm not sure if you were talking to me about the results but those higroove results are mine. I used to get the same speeds with the HT2000W as I did with a LAN connection and my Netgear router but now the HT2000W speeds have been cut in half. That's the whole point of this post. I was hoping someone could tell me WHY it slowed down and could it be fixed.
Distinguished Professor IV



Yes, the post was to you, hence the @jc2 at the beginning.   


I know what your question is and I can't answer it.  Like has been said, WiFi has a lot of things than can affect it.  Interference is a big one.  Though the upcoming fix is primarily targeted at the 5Ghz radio problems, perhaps it will help with this issue, as well.    


I was only giving you the info regarding the results for your own benefit.  Too many times I've seen people post about speed results that aren't theirs, but they THINK they are theirs because they are showing on their results page.  Excluding any tests that are on the same IP, but that YOU didn't run, can help to avoid that in the future.  


Again, this was only for your benefit, but you'd be better off doing what I suggested in the post so you only see YOUR results when looking at them and not a bunch of other people's, too (if not now, in the future).    

Those WERE ONLY my results and not anybody elses. 3 with Netgear and 3 HT2000W. Didn't know why you would be telling me that.
Distinguished Professor IV

@jc2 wrote:
Those WERE ONLY my results and not anybody elses. 3 with Netgear and 3 HT2000W. Didn't know why you would be telling me that.

It was a courtesy.  If you bothered to read the posts, you'd see that seeing other people's results in one's own results "OFTEN" happens if they aren't excluded.  There's no  guarantee that they WILL be there.  Conversely, clicking on what I showed you definitely excludes others' results, so it guarantees that it won't happen.  


But, due to your response, have no fear, I'll refrain from any courtesies in the future.  

Associate Professor

So that we can keep this topic focused...

Key Points of Interest...
- speeds on the HT2000w wifi are capping around 22ish Mbps (still acceptable for plan speeds though)
- speeds on the Netgear Wifi are able to hit actual maximum throughput that the customer can achieve
- devices state the linkspeed is being negotiated above 100Mbps, so in theory, they should be able to see 40Mbps using EITHER of the two wifi networks

@jc2 can you inform us, is this happening with the 2.4Ghz, 5.0Ghz or both wireless network types?  If it's happening on the 5.0Ghz only signal, then there is potentially a fix in that in new firmware that should be rolling out very soon.  I am unsure about the 2.4Ghz network though, but I suspect the new firmware coming along may help there as well.  From my understanding the firmware is mostly to address upnp issues and the 5Ghz signal constantly dropping out.

When was the last time the device your using was rebooted?  I know some people will let their tablets run for days/weeks at a time with out an actual reboot, mine was recently having issues with speed and I couldn't get a link above 11Mbps, a reboot quickly got me back up to speed.

ALL of that aside, at the Advanced System Control Center go to General > Connected Device Info, and look at the "Device Health" it *SHOULD* be marked as Good for the device you are testing on.

I have been testing my Wifi on my Nighthawk and HT2000w, both give very similar results on, but, I am one of the lucky ones... and running different firmware, so it's possible that the issue you are seeing is already addressed, just not rolled out to everyone yet.

Using 2.4 Ghz network. 5.0 disabled. Rebooted yesterday. System control center doesn't say advanced and I don't see device health.
Associate Professor

Did you click the link I provided? It should have taken you to the advanced page...

If not, look for the "i" icon at the top, to the right of System Info, it's really faint, but that will take you to the advanced page....

Device health says Not Available
Distinguished Professor IV

Showing same thing.  It was showing as "Good" until I refreshed it.  



Hello jc2,


Thanks for posting. I am glad to see that our community super users were able to assist you. I am going to escalate your case to our engineers and will get back to you once I receive an update. In the meanwhile, please continue to monitor your system and let us know if there is any change. Thanks.




My HT2000W modem is back up to speed. In the morning during bonus data hours l ran a speed test and it was still slow. I re-enabled the 5.0 Ghz network that I had disabled during all of the testing and troubleshooting and as usual it didn't show up on my computer but did on my phone. So l connected to the 5.0 network on my phone and ran a download speed test of 42Mbps! So l switched back to 2.4 on my phone and ran in the 40s. Went back to my computer on 2.4 network and had a download speed of 43Mbps. So really all that was done was disable 5.0, re enable and connect to 5.0 and switch back to 2.4 . Maybe the upcoming firmware update will help. Thanks to everyone for their help and patience.
Distinguished Professor IV



In addition to what Aedan said, make sure that nothing else is connected to the 2.4Ghz WiFi at the same time and sapping your bandwidth (and speed) while running your speed tests.  Other devices?  Satellite TV receiver?  Smart phone?  One of those Smart Home doohickeys?  


I hope this reply will be seen by tech support. I am a brand new user and the download has NEVER worked correctly since installation. I've talked with tech support till blue in the face and while they have been very helpful, there is no solution. I thought a reboot from your end had fixed the problem but it really didn't. So here is my test runs URL  It was performed before, during and after the tech support calls. Most of the tests are direct connect, nothing else connected and wifi disabled. I took great pains to eliminate every possibility to include runing some tests via phone (wifi), xbox diagnostics (direct) and laptop (direct and wifi). All the results were consistent in that the upload speeds are acceptable but the download speed vary all over the place. Another odd thing I noticed was an error msg saying this page does not exist but when I click on the link again it comes up. This to me sounds like a DNS pronlem. At any rate, the touble ticket numbers are 105366861 and 105377356. If you want to send a tech thats fine or send me a modem and I can try that. Whatever it takes please do it since this system is unacceptable as is and I will want it removed and any money refunded due to failure to perform. Please call if you have any questions.



Associate Professor


After clicking the link you provided, it appears there are no test results, please make sure you run the tests while signed into your account, and use the 25MB manual download test file if on Gen5.

Also, please create a new topic by clicking HERE

I suggest reading the following on how to perform the tests, taking note to use the 25MB test if on Gen5.
Speedtest Instructions

Thanks for the reply. I followed the instructions provided me by the support help desk. When I try to send the total test package TMN provides the URL i sent you. Simply click on database, search by user name and enter Lothar0. You will get all the test results under my name. Using the instructions you reference allows only the one time test to be provided. As per your instructions, I will start a new topic.



Distinguished Professor IV



Are these your tests?

