Forum Discussion
Email to purchase token & receive bonus GB
I received the email from HughesNet in December offering extra GB with the purchase of a token.
So, I purchased a 5 GB token and am supposed to receive an extra 3 GB. So far this is not showing up on my account. When will HN post the 3 extra GB to my account? Thanks! Ron
Hello Ronboyd50,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I looked into this and it does appear you are owed an extra 3GB in tokens. Sometimes the system can take a while to apply these so I will apply these for you manually. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
I believe it can take up to five days for the bonus tokens to appear, but that should have happened by now.
When did you make the purchase? Keep in mind that the sale was only through 12/31.
- Ronboyd50New PosterI received the email on 12/27/19, and purchased the token before 12/31/19.
- UnderangelswinNew MemberI am having the same problem. I even talked to a gal at hughsnet about this but she said i needed a computer. I and handicapped and cant use a computer. Just my phone. I just purchased 3 more tolkins and they not showing up either
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
After further thought, the reps may very well NOT see your reply due to the OP's issue being addressed and the thread being marked as solved. If you still don't yet see the tokens you purchased last night, or any free ones you are due if you took part in the sale, you should start a new topic, which you can do here.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
Underangelswin wrote:
I am having the same problem. I even talked to a gal at hughsnet about this but she said i needed a computer. I and handicapped and cant use a computer. Just my phone. I just purchased 3 more tolkins and they not showing up eitherTokens can take a little while to show up.
If you're due some free tokens by having taken part in the sale while it was still going on, the reps can look into this for you like they did for the OP (original poster), as can they if the ones you just purchased don't show up soon.
Regarding what the phone rep told you, the sale was not dependant on using a computer. You could use your phone or other device, whether using the HughesNet mobile app or signing into the HughesNet MyAccount site and buying them through the Usage page by clicking on "Buy Tokens".
Though you should normally create a new topic for your issue, the reps may see it on here and reply.
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