Forum Discussion
Slow speeds only in prime time hours
- 8 years ago
Amanda has been working on my issue behind the scenes, so I thought I'd come on and mention that we are working through it. The result is that I'll be switching to Gen 5 on a lower data plan than what I currently have. With the compression of data on streaming that is used on Gen 5, I should be able to stay within the 30g. Even if I go over 30g the throttled speed is better than what I have today so it's a no-brainer.
thanks Amanda!
You certainly are, dhorwath! GIve us a call at 866.347.3292 to upgrade.
I called and they were only able to get me on Gen5 for a higher cost, and under a new contract that starts over for another 2 years.
The 50g plan becomes $99.99 a month plus $14.99 equipment lease for the first year, then $129.99 a month plus equipment for the 2nd year.
reference # 103225893
This is not acceptable, I am willing to pay the amount I originally contracted for with Gen 4. If in order to get the speed I was promised means putting me on Gen 5 or if it means that engineers need to fix my current service, I do not feel that I need to pay any more out of pocket to get what was promised.
I feel like this is classic bait and switch, and that a lawyer would take up a lawsuite on something like this.
- C0RR0SIVE8 years agoAssociate Professor
Just gonna say this now, lawyer threats wont work, drop the b/s.
Either upgrade, or wait till Jupiter One has fewer people on it, there's nothing else you can do. They can't just magically add bandwidth to Jupiter One at this point. While there are beam expansions going on, they aren't doing much in terms of performance for everyone. - Gwalk9008 years agoHonorary Alumnus
I wish to second what C0RR0SIVE stated.
New satellite launches and all the associated network integration only happen once every few years.
The integration is done by Hughes Network Engineers at the very highest levels.
People at those levels are very few and you can rest assured they have been burning the midnight oil.
While I can understand your frustration I can also tell you that if you decide in a fit of anger to go with Brand Ex, they will be launching ViaSat-2 in a few weeks and will be going through the very same process addressing the very same problems.
Satellite Internet is vastly more complex than ground based systems.
Wait it out, go with Brand Ex, waste your money on an legal shark or move to a spot with ground based connection.
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