Forum Discussion
Slow speeds only in prime time hours
Amanda has been working on my issue behind the scenes, so I thought I'd come on and mention that we are working through it. The result is that I'll be switching to Gen 5 on a lower data plan than what I currently have. With the compression of data on streaming that is used on Gen 5, I should be able to stay within the 30g. Even if I go over 30g the throttled speed is better than what I have today so it's a no-brainer.
thanks Amanda!
- AmandaModeratorHello dhorwath,
Thanks for posting, we'd like to help address your speed concerns but need some more details and data to work with. It would be very helpful if you could run speed tests for us and post them here.
To elaborate on the speed tests to continue troubleshooting, please follow the steps here to set up a account and run speed tests so that we get a proper evaluation of your system performance:
Most important points:
-do the tests while directly connected to the HughesNet modem
-use the 12MB test file
-space each test at least 5 minutes apart
-post your results URL here, it may look something like[yourusername]
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
Amanda - dhorwathSophomorehere's my link for a test I ran tonight:
I'll post one tomorrow morning and see if it's back over 20 again - dhorwathSophomorethings got even slower:
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
- dhorwathSophomorehere's the result this morning,
it's been like this for a week now, fast in the mornings, but when I get home from work it's really slow- alfslyFreshman
Was there any resolution, this is th exact same scenario as with me.
- dhorwathSophomore
Amanda, did the engineers respond to my latest test?
If you want, I can be contacted at the phone number on my account.
It looks like I'm stirring up a hornets nest on here with others that must be on the same beam
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate ProfessorWould really help if you could remember to sign into your davehorwath account when doing tests, will be easier to submit results to engineering, and will make the engineers job easier should they request future results.
- Gwalk900Honorary Alumnus
Yup, patterns are everything and each speed test added to your testmy account is another data point for engineering to evaluate.
- dhorwathSophomoreback to slow speed again.
I'm not sure when it happens, because I'm at work, but sometime during the day the internet slows down to 1mg. I have a tech coming out to the house tomorrow to see if I need re-pointing of my dish. Still seems like that wouldn't be the issue, unless a squirrel is moving the dish while I'm at work and then moving it back in the mornings - C0RR0SIVEAssociate ProfessorA dish that isn't properly pointed and is loose can cause bad performance, but I personally feel it's not the dish... Still, sending a technician out to check the aiming of the dish as well as all other equipment is part of the troubleshooting process. Sometimes it fixes the issue, sometimes it doesn't.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IVI'm sort of in the same boat as you. I have fantastic speeds during off peak hours, but often my speeds during peak hours can get quite low, as is evidenced below. However, for me, it's not been much of a problem, as I don't stream. When it comes to regular browsing, I don't notice any difference between the times when it's the speed below or when I'm hitting 30Mbps. That's just me, though. If you are trying to stream or watch a video, I can see how it can be a problem.
To add, there's nothing wrong with my setup or equipment. I'm just on a packed beam/gateway, and during peak hours a lot of people are on. But, again, it doesn't really bother me, but that's just me.
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