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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

Hi, new Gen 5 owner in Northern Calfornia, near Sacramento up in the foothills.  Service installed yesterday.  Slow very slow speeds.  Called tech support at Hughes today and they said they will escalate the call to engineering which means another 2 to 3 business days before I get help.


Kind of stinks since it was just installed yesterday.


Anyway, last speed test I ran was 1.1Mbps down.  Sheesh.  


Went through over an hour call with Hughes today running tests and such just to prove I am getting slow speeds.  Then told have to wait until next week to get it looked at.


In case this can help....  I am pointed at:

Satellite NameEchoStar-19-NAD

Gateway ID8

Beam ID55

Outroute ID7


Thanks for the ear.




My repoint to ES17 is done.  Promising for sure.


As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.


Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.


What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far.  I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps.  I can live with that.  😉  


So... so far so good.  Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.



View solution in original post

296 REPLIES 296

Decent speeds seem to be back around 10pm.

Shorter time of slow speeds so that is good.

Maybe a blip or something.

Time will tell. I am always on so will see when speeds stay or go.


Good morning all,


Thank you for your updates, I've sent them along to our engineers. I'll post back if I have any news to share.


Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

wooah 41 at noon yesterday 29 at same time but it went down hill

oh well .38 knew it was to good to last 

Things look good for me today.  I ran many 25mb tests all day and even now at 9PM, it is still working well.  This is a first since I have been a Gen 5 user to have a full day or normality.

Respectable #s more in line with what I signed up for.  Hoping this fix is permanent.  Thanks to those that may have figured it out.


Thanks macsociety! Glad to hear this, I'll send your feedback on to engineering.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Beam 55 here, my Bonus speeds are 1/3 what they were. My FAP speed is 1.7 Mbs

It appears the fix isn't working for me. What hapenned 2 weeks ago is the question?

Can I expect better speeds? I had 34 Mbs Bonus speed until now.


Gen5 Tuesday Am.png

Hi Alex,


Thank you for your speed tests, I will send your feedback on to engineering. Since you are no longer in FAP, please let us know how your regular speeds are these days.


Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Hi Liz

My speeds are still poor , as you noted I am not Fapped now..

Thanks for your help 🙂

Gen5 Tuesday No FAP..png


I'll send this up, too, thanks Alex.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Hey Liz,

I am also in the foothills of Northern CA above Sacrament.   I've been having slow internet problems since installation in July. Sometimes it will go up for a few minutes, then back down. Speed tests constantly vary. I keep calling support and they keep telling me the fix will happen. When????  My download speed is between .17 (yes point one seven) and 30 Mps. Sometimes a 1Mb file takes 5 minutes to upload.  Sometimes it will not even load a page.  What is up?  Is there a fix?

It is apparent that Hughesnet has no idea how to fix this problem. They are still advertising in the area for 25 mbps which they know is not possible. . Just wonder how many other people are out there that don't use these forums? That are calling Hughesnet and getting the run around like I was, promises of return calls never made, hang ups, put on hold for ever. I bet a bunch

and how many of us are getting their posts deleted without any explanation?

Distinguished Professor IV



Posts aren't deleted unless they violate the Community Guidelines or Terms of Service in some way.  

Beam 55-
I have the opposite problem- I am sent 2 posts in my emails on the same post.How is this fixed?

Also the constant logging in is an inconvience I always have the same IP address.

I preferred the old forum format, you could edit posted posts, and your IP address was recognised , so you didn't always have to log on to post.Now,iIf I post in the Am, and again in the afternoon, I have to log on again.


This is small taters compared to the speed problem.Gateway #3 seemed to be better the last day, I didn't have to switch Gateways.

Distinguished Professor IV



Does it happen with all replies, or only some?  You may get two emails concerning this one.  The first because you are subscribed to the thread, and the second because I tagged you to indicate who the reply is for.  If I didn't tag you in the reply you should only get one email notification.  I'm a constant tagger so people know I'm replying to them, though I can understand that it would get annoying and, perhaps, I should just do a letter type opening, with the name and comma.    


Also, sometimes when people edit a post you'll get another email about the same post, but the second one will be slightly different, containing the new version of the post.  

The double emails are from multiple posters. The emails are identical.


Distinguished Professor IV

@ecoalex2 wrote:

The double emails are from multiple posters. The emails are identical.


In that case, it may be beneficial to create a new post about the multiple emails, and probably in the "Your Thoughts on the Community" section.  

Duplicate emails with (seemingly) the same content is from when someone posted, then edited it. they may look the same, but they aren't.


Also, when someone quotes something, the font is the same in the email so it also might look like a repeat.


Edit: Here's an example of an edited post.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.

Example of a double email I received -.



As you will see if you google HughesNet or go to twitter, you're not alone with your slow speeds or dissatisfaction. I was lied to in order to sign a contract, and my speed was slow from the start. It never got better and I doubt it will for you, either. Good luck getting this company to do anything to fix it. Test after test showed my internet was super slow, yet they offered no solution and would not allow me out of my contract. I finally had lines dug and buried from town as a last resort. Cancelled my service yesterday. They were rude and slapped me with a cancellation fee of $325. So, I feel your pain. Good luck. Don't give me. Hold them accountable. What they do is not ok!



As you will see if you google HughesNet or go to twitter, you're not alone with your slow speeds or dissatisfaction. I was lied to in order to sign a contract, and my speed was slow from the start. It never got better and I doubt it will for you, either. Good luck getting this company to do anything to fix it. Test after test showed my internet was super slow, yet they offered no solution and would not allow me out of my contract. I finally had lines dug and buried from town as a last resort. Cancelled my service yesterday. They were rude and slapped me with a cancellation fee of $325. So, I feel your pain. Good luck. Don't give up. Hold them accountable. What they do is not ok!

Distinguished Professor IV

I'm trying to find the original post to compare it, but I think it's been deleted.