When you are on a website that uses a SSL certificate, such as Facebook, Google, Amazon etc, it encrypts all traffic that is transferred to and from the site you are communicating with. The Certificate guarantees that the connection you have is connected directly to the site in question, so during login, checkout etc you can rest assured that the connection was done with and only with Amazon, Facebook, Hughes, etc.
You will notice it more if you are using a browser such as Chrome or Safari, In the address bar the SSL certificate we have installed on our site is purchased though EchoStar which is why you see that site "change". Once your information has been authenticated, you are then redirected to your mailbox. Our certificate is only implemented for certain parts of our site, one of those locations being our login page, and many of our FAQ's and Legal documents to ensure they come from us.
Many new browsers have lately created huge flags or warnings in the address bar indicating a site that does not have a SSL certificate installed thus a rise in concern from many of our clients. It is not that the site is not secure or that your information has been compromised. It is merely that in this part of our site does not contain the SSL certificate and your browser is letting the user know that one is not present.
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