Forum Discussion
8 years agoSophomore
Slow speeds only in prime time hours
I see there's other complaints but I'm not sure what was resolved with this issue. I have the 15mg plan, using the HT1100 modem. In the mornings I get 20+ download speeds using Afternoon it drops some, then during prime time I'm down to 1mb. I called tech support and they thought I need to re-point the satellite but that makes no sense if I'm getting good speed during the morning hours. Can you offer any solutions?
Amanda has been working on my issue behind the scenes, so I thought I'd come on and mention that we are working through it. The result is that I'll be switching to Gen 5 on a lower data plan than what I currently have. With the compression of data on streaming that is used on Gen 5, I should be able to stay within the 30g. Even if I go over 30g the throttled speed is better than what I have today so it's a no-brainer.
thanks Amanda!
- BirdDogAssistant ProfessorOn Jupiter 1 satellite I can stream at that speed on low def Netflix. Sure, takes a few to load but really no buffering once it catches up.
Also having those low speeds at night lately. My beam isn't overloaded too bad that I'm aware of. Kinda wondering if they're messing with things getting ready for the new satellite. Maybe redirecting traffic to fewer servers and outroutes while they upgrade facilities? Would like to think that could be a reason, I can live with that short term. - GabeUDistinguished Professor IVThat's actually a good possible explanation. My speeds have always been slower in the evenings, but I've noticed that, at least over the last month or so, they've been a bit lower.
I can still watch a youtube video on the lowest definition without much a problem right now, so I imagine that streaming on LD would probably be okay for me, too. I've just never tried it.
With that said, I wouldn't try downloading the latest Linux Mint distro during this time period unless I didn't mind it taking quite a while. LOL.
- BirdDogAssistant ProfessorMonth or so ago my speed went to total doo doo day and night when they switched my outroute.
Again, would like to think maybe a new path for the new satellite they were testing out. Went back to normal once they put me back to previous outroute.
Has declined the last few weeks again which I can't help but think it has to do with traffic diversion while they upgrade. Kind of like new highway construction, things get worse before they get better.
Just an old man's ramblings and conjecture though. - dhorwathSophomoreThe tech came and did a re-point, he said that my signal went for 122 to 125. He didn't think that would make much of a difference. He said that the new gen5 satellite should help take away some traffic. But he said my slowest speed should be around 8meg a second during prime time, not 1 or less
- dhorwathSophomorestill slow at night.
so now what? - C0RR0SIVEAssociate ProfessorWill be Monday before Amanda is able to respond or do any further troubleshooting for you. Can you confirm the tests have been done on a computer that is directly attached to the modem (Hughes HT1XXX)?
- dhorwathSophomoreI have the HT1100, and yes, ethernet to my laptop with no viruses
- dhorwathSophomore even worse tonight
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professordhorwath,
I don't think they need any more tests than what you have performed for now unless you can get some early morning or afternoon tests (around 3-4PM and 7-9AM). Many more tests at the same time period looks to show similar results day after day and at this point, IMO, is draining valuable data allowance. - dhorwathSophomoreAmanda, any word? I'd like to discuss my account, I can be reached at the phone number on file. If I need to contact someone else, let me know
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