Forum Discussion
Speeds is this acceptable?
You may want to run the required troubleshooting procedure, using the required file sizes, and then answer any further troubleshooting questions that the reps here may have for you. Your speeds seem to be better in the morning, which may point to congestion. Still, follow the procedure so the reps can help you.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
You may want to run the required troubleshooting procedure, using the required file sizes, and then answer any further troubleshooting questions that the reps here may have for you. Your speeds seem to be better in the morning, which may point to congestion. Still, follow the procedure so the reps can help you.
- ecoalex2TutorHi, I'll have to dig out my 35 ft ethernet cable for the required test. Since the wifi appears acceptable except in the later part of the day, and your suggestion the problem is congestion, not a technical problem, as the testmytest data shows, it seems a foregone conclusion that congestion is the culprit. There was no other users at my end when the speeds took a dive. Thanks
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
Congestion refers to several things: users at your location (not what happened this time); number of devices connected at your location; users in your area; users in your beam; internet-related congestion (not ISP related), a combination of these, etc.
Running the troubleshooting procedure the way the reps need it done is the only way to move forward with assessing what may be going on.
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