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Speed issues, can't stay on chat for Help
- 5 years ago
Hi bronccat,
Thank you for this information. I also noticed on your account that you've reached out to our corporate office, so yes, one of our corporate representatives will be in contact with you to address your concerns. I've shared this thread with him so that he has more details on the troubleshooting attempted thus far. I'll go ahead and close out this thread, as I'm sure our rep will provide you with a resolution.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
It's to your benefit to do the troubleshooting that the reps ask you to do. You want solutions and they want to find solutions, but they need your cooperation. They can't improve things if you won't troubleshoot.
I need results. Again, I am not there so there's no point in me updating those apps and proving that I did.
I explained all of this above. There is a problem and I need it resolved - and updating Hulu isn't going to fix the testmy results. $&#*@?
Now, all of that being said, if I have to jump through hoops before they are "allowed" to escalate - then just say it.
BTW, this isn't a CO-OP I'm a paying customer and expect better. I'm not going to apologize for my frustration either.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
I understand your frustration and sympathise with your situation -- still, the reality is, you need to follow their troubleshooting steps if you want to at least have a chance at service improvement. They're not asking you to update your apps and do other things because they're bored and want to mess with you; they're asking you to do these things to help them figure out what's going on -- they don't live with you, so they need you to do troubleshooting, especially since your equipment is running as expected (state code 0.0.0); this indicates there is a problem on your side. Takes a while to do the detective work to figure out what's going on.
If you're not willing to follow their instructions, that's your right, of course, but since their tech support depends on your following their instructions, you're painting yourself into a corner here and you're getting stuck. Your other option, of course, is to find alternative services, if they are available in your area.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Hi bronccat,
It's ok to be frustrated, I understand.
Our diagnostics show the HughesNet equipment is functioning normally. However, we don't know the details of the devices and apps you're using to stream, which may be affecting your internet performance. You may see a difference if you stream on updated apps and devices. Without the ability to troubleshoot further with you, the root cause will remain unknown.
- bronccat5 years agoJuniorLiz
I understand what you're saying - but understand what I'm saying.
Remove streaming from the conversation for a moment. Let's solely look at the speed tests - as they are by far the most reliable, quantifiable data. Anything beyond that is totally subjective.
My point is - we KNOW that there is a speed issue from the router to the laptop via ethernet (speed tests) and the router to the phones via wifi (speed tests) and the router to the firestick (via wifi) as indicated by slow connection speed warnings.
So, let's go back to the laptop.
It wasn't running any of the streaming apps.
If I came to you and said "here are my speed results from my laptop connected via ethernet cable - and I tested because browsing and file transfer were sluggish"
What would you tell me to do next? Because that, in reality that is where we are.
If that doesn't get us to the next step - then what?
Am I to wait a week to drive down there, update my apps, send screenshots proving I did - then run a speed test on a TOTALLY separate device just to prove that it wasn't the streaming apps? Because that's what is being asked of me. - GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
If I may, the reps here ask for things for a reason, but they aren't going to twist your arm for you to provide what was asked. They don't give "busywork". They have no reason to. They aren't trying to tie you up with work while they look for a solution, as again, they don't have to. They're trying to word toward a solution, but they need the information asked for in order to do so. It may not seem logical why they ask for something, but what they ask for they need.
With this said, I'm sure that with you not being at the service location all the time, Liz knows this is going to take longer than it normally would to troubleshoot and find a solution, but refusing to do what it asked because it doesn't seem necessary is definitely not going to help the situation.
Good luck.
- bronccat5 years agoJuniorGabeU
I know man, and I swear I'm not being obstinate for the heck of it lol.
But to me this is akin to "unplug the modem". Yes, that fixes a lot but there is no logical way that outdated (but they weren't) streaming apps on other devices are going to cause slow speed tests on another machine - especially when they arent connected.
I'd love to get this escalated to some meat and potatoes solutions while I have phone access.
Doing what she's asked isn't going to fix it and it's only going to leave me on an island again with no meaningful progress - and only delays a real solution.
I can't be anymore clear - forget streaming was ever involved.
All that matters, truly, is that the wired connection confirmed the same paltry DL results as the wireless.
Someone explain to me how the app version on another device has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that another device, connected via ethernet is clocking sub 1 MBPS DL speeds?
No one can. Bottom line this is step "x" and until I satisfy this step, I won't be allowed to proceed.
That is absurd, IMO.
"What is your quest"... I'd know the air speed velocity of a laden swallow (both African and European) but we can't get to that point.
Sigh. - Liz5 years agoModerator
Thank you bronccat, I got your screenshot.
I get what you're saying, I'm only asking you to update your streaming apps because you brought up streaming as a concern so we're working on that.
If you would rather we focus on general browsing or downloading files, we can, I just need details on that as well. These are the sort of questions that engineering asks me; we focus on the online activities because on our end the diagnostics and our tests show we're delivering more than the usual plan speeds to the modem. We look at TestMy.Net results to see if it matches up with our results and if they don't it indicates where we should focus our efforts.
Hope that clears things up.
- bronccat5 years agoJunior
- Liz5 years agoModerator
No worries. Ok so we're doing process of elimination, so I suggest we focus on a device that can be connected via ethernet cable to the HughesNet modem and turn off wifi on the modem for the duration of testing. We want to make sure that device is the only thing using the internet while troubleshooting.
Examples of the sluggish sites you frequent would be helpful. Might as well also let us know what file(s) you're trying to download if you like.
Please let me know how long it takes for a site to load. If also testing downloading a file, time that as well. There's a tool GabeU used that times page loading, but I don't recall so using the stopwatch on your phone will suffice.
Please also provide the device details (model and software version) as well as which browser and browser version you're using. Of course if either of those need updating, I recommend doing that before testing.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
The Chrome app GabeU mentioned was PageLoad times.
- bronccat5 years agoJunior
Thanks - DL files is the clearest example. Glasswire download (48mb) took just over 8 minutes when I installed it before we left (notes lol).
Firefox 82.0.2
- Liz5 years agoModerator
OK great, also when was this download completed? Are there other downloads/sites which are loading slowly?
- bronccat5 years agoJunior
10/25. Every DL has been painful. I had several page loads simply time out on my phone (like Redbox).
- bronccat5 years agoJunior
Sent 11mb file on 10/22 - took 2 minutes
- Liz5 years agoModerator
And this was even when the laptop was isolated? Which sites time out on the laptop (let's focus on that device)? How long does it take before the timeout error appears?
Moving forward I'm going on the assumption this is in your Firefox browser on your isolated laptop running Win 10, so for any data provided, please be sure it was gathered in those same circumstances. If there are other connected devices, delivered speeds are shared amongst them all.-Liz
- bronccat5 years agoJunior
The email was before, file DL was after.
Page load issue was more prevalent on phone, I only encountered similar on Laptop using FB. I generally don't do much leisure on Laptop.
Also from notes, 10/25 6mb file took a bit over a minute to send. - Liz5 years agoModerator
I'll still consider how the 48MB file took ~8 mins to download on an isolated laptop, but instead of troubleshooting that further, we can focus on a single phone if that's where you're frequently seeing issues. If you want to go that route, please let me know its details:
Which version of Android?
Which browser and version?
How long it takes to load a page on that phone?
Let me know on which network that device is connected (2.4 GHz or 5GHz)
As always, when testing a device, please isolate it. When testing a wifi device, ensure all other wifi devices have their wifi turned off.
It would be easier to disable the wifi network that's not being used by the test device.
If possible, test when a few feet away from the HughesNet modem.
If using the 2.4GHz network, please note any other appliances in the house (garage door opener, baby monitor, cordless phone, etc). Even though they don't connect to your wifi network, they still also use the 2.4GHz frequency and may have an effect.
- bronccat5 years agoJunior
That's up to you - we can stick with laptop or do both. Issue with phone is I have no historical data written down.
Best recorded data I have for everything involved are the testmy results
Starting 10/25 all tests were on the isolated laptop
Prior tests were mostly on my android - and it was isolated
We turn wifi off of devices (firestick) when not in use - and my fiance keeps her wifi off
We have no neighbors within wifi range (or close)
It's only the two of us and 4 devices
There are not other electronics in the house and I am always on 5 ghz - except then I intentionally went to 2.4 ghz to test - which doesn't make a difference
Browser Firefox 82.1.1 (Build# 2015770923)
Current and last UD 10.21.20
Samsung S8+
Android version 9 - bronccat5 years agoJuniorTo be frank (not Drebin) the testmy results are the absolute best evidence that the slow speeds are real and not a app issue on my end.
I understand what you need to make sure my HW is UTD - but beyond that, testmy tells the tale pretty accurately - Liz5 years agoModerator
Regarding the Android, the latest version is 11 so I suggest updating that. Also, the network analyzer app from Netgear provides a lot of useful insights, like whether there's any interference on the network and suggests which channel to use. On your own you can try troubleshooting your phones with that.
Typically for troubleshooting wifi devices, our engineers suggest first switching networks to see if there's a difference (I see you've tried that), and then to also power cycle the modem and the wifi device.
To power cycle the modem, the power cable should be disconnected from its power brick (not from the back of the modem) for at least 20 seconds before replugging. A device can just be powered down for 20 seconds before turning it back on.
First lets check on the directly connected laptop with wifi on the modem disabled so we're sure it's isolated and gather this info:
Which URLs are you testing (I suggest whichever one's you frequetly struggle with)
How long does each URL take to load?
Have you ever been able to successfully visit that URL?
When did you first notice having difficulty visiting that URL?
Have there been any changes to your system prior to your concerns?
Does disabling Web Acceleration make a difference? (Enter in your browser then follow the steps here to find where to toggle Web Acceleration:
Does this happen in different browsers?
Does this happen even after clearing your browser cache? (How-to here:
What time did you test these URLs?
Is there any difference in page load times if done at different times of day/night? I suggest checking in the morning, midday, and evening if possible.
I know this is a lot to do, but this should be enough to present to engineering if we can't pinpoint a root cause.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are greatly appreciated so that we can address your concerns.
Edit: More troubleshooting steps typically suggested by engineering:
Disable uPnP, any difference in load time??
Change security setting from WPA2 to WPA/WPA2 in wifi settings on the modem
Disable IPv6
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
maratsade wrote:The Chrome app GabeU mentioned was PageLoad times.
Good memory, and close. It was actually "Page load time", but it's no longer available, unfortunately. I still have it though.
I tried the one you linked to, and though the color coding from the most recently opened page spans all open pages, so that part can't be relied on if you have more than one browser page open, the stated load time itself is spot on. I tried it side by side with Page load time, and the numbers were identical every time. :)
Edit: The color coding bleed over may be due to the extension I use for opening new tabs as new windows. When I set Chrome back to default, the color coding worked properly. Still, the numbers are what's important, and they show properly regardless.
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
The following page load timer seems to work well with Firefox....
- bronccat5 years agoJuniorLiz
$&,@,@ well my lengthy reply disappeared so I'll have to redo all of that later.
I'll say this in response to everything:
1) None of these devices have any issues anywhere else in the world except for on this network.
2) I have tried most all of this - I have even tried another wireless router
3) My phone is UTD according to my phone. Android agrees.
This is ridiculous. There can't be any better proof that there is a real issue than what I have provided with the logs thus far. All of the other discussion about different devices and URLs is completely wasting my time. - maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
You're not a tech or a satellite communications expert; don't tell them how to run their business. They're trying to help you and all you do is bellyache about it.
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