Well, for the Pi Zero W I set up Raspbian from NOOBS on the microSD card it came with and used the microSD that came with my original Pi 3 B+ to install RetroPie. When setting up Raspbian on the Pi Zero W I immediately noticed how much slower it is than the 3 B+, and when it finished installing it took a lot longer to personalize it. It's funny, but even moving the mouse pointer causes the CPU usage to jump up into the 30% range. But, it's a $10 computer, so what can you expect? LOL. As for RetroPie, it set up just fine and I was able install the Roms I wanted more easily than I did with the 3 B+, as I did transferred them via WiFi this time. So much easier. I didn't actually play any of the games yet, but I did start Final Fantasy III, and I noticed right off the bat that the resolution was automatically lowered. I guess RetroPie is recognizing how much "weaker" the Zero is and adjusted the resolution so the games would still be playable. Again, I haven't actually tried playing them. I'll try a couple over the weekend. And I've got to get a different mini HDMI to HMDI adpater, as the one that came with the kit is "touchy". It would be fine if the thing never moves, but if there is any movement at all, like even the cat walking by and brushing up against the HDMI cable, it might twitch out. I've already chosen the new adapter I'm getting, but I'm waiting until Prime day as there is a two pack of cheap SNES type controllers I'm going to get, too, as having to re-pair the Bluetooth controller each time I switch to the other Pi is going to be a pain and I don't really feel like buying another Bluetooth controller (unless it has a REALLY good price on Prime day). So, the Pi Zero W is definitely slower than the Pi 3 B+, which I already knew would be the case, but it's very noticeably slower. But, again, for $10, what can you expect? It's still pretty darn neat. 🙂
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