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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

Hi, new Gen 5 owner in Northern Calfornia, near Sacramento up in the foothills.  Service installed yesterday.  Slow very slow speeds.  Called tech support at Hughes today and they said they will escalate the call to engineering which means another 2 to 3 business days before I get help.


Kind of stinks since it was just installed yesterday.


Anyway, last speed test I ran was 1.1Mbps down.  Sheesh.  


Went through over an hour call with Hughes today running tests and such just to prove I am getting slow speeds.  Then told have to wait until next week to get it looked at.


In case this can help....  I am pointed at:

Satellite NameEchoStar-19-NAD

Gateway ID8

Beam ID55

Outroute ID7


Thanks for the ear.




My repoint to ES17 is done.  Promising for sure.


As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.


Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.


What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far.  I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps.  I can live with that.  😉  


So... so far so good.  Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.



View solution in original post

296 REPLIES 296

Original post (probably deleted)  I have others tho.

Hi ecoalex2,


HughesNetSucks4 (New Member) posted a new reply in Tech Support on 11-15-2017 01:27 PM :



Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)


Mark J Fine is correct. Those two seemingly identical posts are not. The 2nd one contains a correction:

See the sentence; "Don't give me." in the first one and "Don't give up." in the second one. 

El Dorado Networks |Diamond Springs, CA |

To help keep people informed on this thread, I'm working with three systems we have at our office to see if there's anything that can be done on the ground to fix this issue. This takes time because I have to work this in around my other obligations to manage my business.


First, I record and date a series of speed tests and the System Info details - then make a change. Then, I record another series of speed tests and System Info details to document if there was any difference.

Here's some of what I'm exploring as possible causes/solutions:

  1. Rerun System Registration
  2. Rerun System Install
  3. Force range
  4. Outroutes assigned to the terminals
  5. Skew settings
  6. Radio and modem swaps
  7. Size of the antennas
  8. Differences between Gen5 accounts on J17 and J19
  9. Toggling the "Video Saver" feature on and off 
  10. Toggling "Web Accelerator" on and off

If I can identify even short-term solutions, I'll share them here.

What I do know is that not everyone in Beam 55 is having problems, and that HughesNet engineering is well aware of the issue and is working to fix it. Patience.


El Dorado Networks |Diamond Springs, CA |

Alan- my bad the 2 posts are different.Thanks

I see when I rebooted the modem , I went from 9Mbs Gateway #3 to less than 1Mbs Gateway#1. This at 7:50 Am 11.17.17 . IO never had Gateway#1 before. it was really slow. I'll reboot again and try another Gateway.

Thanks for your info., why some are not having problems, seems strange, I believe the Gateway makes a difference., at least from my data.It's too bad, as Gen5 was so great until almost 2 months ago. Hope the bird is ok, lots of radiation and junk flying around up there.

What explnation would there be for not everyone in Beam 55 having the problem?

Don't we all have the same software, settings, hardware?

When an update is sent out, wouldn't this give all the same settings?

Associate Professor

Yes, however, there are variations gateway side, and not everyone is connected to the exact same IPGW (yes that's your gateway, but it also specifies a sub-part of the gateway you are connecting through).  While someone might be on 055GILHNSIPGW0101, you could be on 055GILHNSIPGW0110, and so on.  Your modem connects to what IPGW it's told is best when it associates during power on, or when bad weather has cleared, for your particular service plan.

I haven't noticed the sub Gateways only 01 to 03 no 011 etc.

The question is what changed 2 months ago?

Up to then Gen5 was great, even under FAP. At 2.8 FAP video streams didn't buffer.

Now with 4-7 Mbs speeds streaming videos buffer sometimes.It seems the packet compression isn't working

I will FAP today, and will take some speed tests.

What changed? is the question.

I have had hughesnet gen 5 for 3 months and it has never been what I was told it would be... I just replaced my modem and the download speed has not gone above 2.5 for the last two hours... I have been on the phone now with tech support for over 52 min and asked to speak to supervisor who apparently is on a break...

Supervisor coming on line....... my bad still on hold  .....poor service

This is crap

@ecoalex2 wrote:

I haven't noticed the sub Gateways only 01 to 03 no 011 etc.

The question is what changed 2 months ago?

Up to then Gen5 was great, even under FAP. At 2.8 FAP video streams didn't buffer.

Now with 4-7 Mbs speeds streaming videos buffer sometimes.It seems the packet compression isn't working

I will FAP today, and will take some speed tests.

What changed? is the question.

hmm, I had a long message that disappeared about FAP answering what I have been experiencing.  Weird.  Where did it go?  Well, here I am typing it a 2nd time.


I have been in FAP for about 2 weeks.  My 20GB lasted all 9 days.  Used to get 20 days out of 20GB during Gen 4 days.  Another oddity about Gen 5 service.  Anyway... I been in FAP a while now.  Here are my experiences and currious if you experience the same.


During the morning and part of the day expect 1 to 1.4Mbps.  Later afternoon speeds start to slow and by 8PM, expect 150K to maybe 500K downloads and lately I have been hammered with VERY slow uploads, 12K to 19K range.  PING have been horrendous at 1500 to 2000ms.  


So around 7is to 10ish things become unusable.  After 10 and a modem reboot, things start to speed up but from 7 to 10PM, I can barely browse the web.  Can't even visit this Hughes community during that slow time.  It is bad.


Anyway, when at 1Mbps, at least I can use the system but once it gets below that, it all comes to a slow stop.



So they slow your FAP when you are getting under1Mbs.Nice 🙂

It sure isn't what you signed up for eh?

I too noticed 10 Mbs with Gen 4 lasted longer than 20 Mbs Gen5 .The meter seems different.

@ecoalex2 wrote:

So they slow your FAP when you are getting under1Mbs.Nice 🙂

It sure isn't what you signed up for eh?

I too noticed 10 Mbs with Gen 4 lasted longer than 20 Mbs Gen5 .The meter seems different.

Well, don't think they do that but whatever this "peak time slow issue" is, is also affecting speeds while in FAP.  When I signed back from after leaving Gen 4 for a bit and coming back, I did so figuring 20GB would last me 20 days and I could be happy with "real" 1Mbps to 3Mbps during FAP.  So, if Hughes fixes this problem, and if I can stay at least 1Mbps down during FAP, I will be a happy camper.  That is what I signed up for.  😉


That exactly what i have experienced.My 20 gigs now last for 2 to 3 weeks. I am beginning to regret signing up a few months ago.    mm

Still bad here in Angels Camp. The tech i talked with over the weekend was very polite and tried his best to help with no success. Sent an email Sunday but still no response. This is not working out very well. I am trying to be patient. When i have had enough i will just walk.

Distinguished Professor IV

@El Dorado Netwo wrote:

Mark J Fine is correct. Those two seemingly identical posts are not. The 2nd one contains a correction:

See the sentence; "Don't give me." in the first one and "Don't give up." in the second one. 

Good catch.  I tried reading through it to find a difference, assuming there was one, but just didn't see it.  

I'll stay tuned and see what happens....


I'm curious Liz if you know, or can say, what happened around Sept. 23rd that changed things significantly?  I had great speeds overall (some slowdown in evenings) before that date, and it's been very bad since then with very slow speeds most times with only minimal times where it's usable. 


As a new customer who might not stick around, even if they fix things this Saturday, can we expect this type of thing in the future?



I'm having identical experience to macsociety.  Live in Northern California.  Closer to Reno than Sacramento, but still in California.  Internet speeds are consistently deplorable.  Nowhere near the 25 MBPS advertised and no real explanation.  Tired of being asked to delete my cache and try a new browser.  It's pretty obvious from the community postings that no one gets the high speed advertised promised at enrollment.  I've asked at least 2 or 3 times to get a technician here to check the satellite position, but not one following through.  I guess I'm just supposed to get fatigued and continue paying the fees but no one helping to resolve this chronic issue for us. 



Server Selected:  Dallas

Download Speed:  0.37

Upload Speed:  test froze at 80%  

Distinguished Professor IV



They are definitely working on it, though when what they're doing will alleviate the problem I can't say, as I have no idea.  


As for your dish, they won't send anyone out to check it's aiming if there's no reason to do so.  They can tell if it's alright remotely.  

Figured folks would be returning to work and things would be better this AM, even while I have 1.5 days of FAP.  Was hoping for upper 900ks.  Well I have 320K. lol.


I guess everyone has the week off and everyone received a Windows 10 PC for Christmas and everyone is updating still.


Reset modem too... was on ip gateway 108... now 106 after the reboot.  Still not much improvement.






I am experiencing the same level of slow speeds on beam 54 here in Sonoma county in northern California.  I was told by engineering that it was due to unexpected use. I was also offered discounted service.  My tests are lighting fast this am.  7 to 10 Mbps.   Doing the dance to the computer gods.   Don't expect it to last long so off to catch up on what I have been missing.

I'm getting speeds in the 100-200kbps range right at this moment not in FAP. Pages are taking minutes to load, secure pages failing to load, and the speed test taking near 10 minutes to complete. I haven't seen speeds this bad since cyber Monday.